Vehuiah meaning: Angel of skills
When she comes to us, it is always with great grace and freshness. Vehuiah helps us to go further and to distance ourselves from the life situations we are going through. Likewise, she assists us and helps us to progress in the phases of change and transformation. This guardian angel is known to inspire wisdom and love in us. She soothes us from the weight of doubt, uncertainty, and sorrow, whilst opening our eyes to the grace and beauty of life!
If she wants us to be happy, she also knows that we are beings in search of an ideal relationship. To build this relationship, she develops in those who ask, great capacities of seduction. Finally, this angel clings to our ears and whispers the comforting words we need, before placing her hand of light on our hearts. Her presence and support lift us up and infuse us with luminous energy to heal our wounds, and extinguish our sorrows.
How do you know if your Guardian Angel Vehuiah is near you?
There are many signs and indications that your angel is near you. Here are some common clues:
- Synchronicities: You may notice significant synchronicities or coincidences that seem too perfect to be random. For example, you might think of something and immediately see a sign or symbol associated with that thought.
- Feathers: Feathers are often considered signs of the presence of angels. You may find feathers in your path unexpectedly, for example, when you're walking outdoors or even inside your home.
- A sensation of presence: You may feel a subtle presence at your side, even if you can't physically see it. It could be a feeling of comfort, warmth, or inner peace.
- Enhanced intuition: Your intuition may be stronger and clearer when your angel is near you. You may have thoughts or ideas that seem to come from nowhere and guide you in a positive direction.
- Recurring messages: You may notice recurring messages or advice that seem to come from different sources, such as quotes, song lyrics, discussions with friends, or books you're reading. These messages may resonate with the advice and guidance of angels.
Why should you contact Vehuiah?
Vehuiah encourages endeavors and helps expose the fire that we carry inside us. You can especially call upon this guardian angel to become more skilled, a good thinker and capable of initiating and executing what you find difficult, in order to be successful, especially during exams or job interviews.
She will help you get out of complex situations, such as when you are feeling down, but Vehuiah also ensures that those she protects find love and become wise.
Guardian angel Vehuiah provides:
- Success at school and at work
- The strength to bounce back from a physical or mental illness
- Lucidity, reasoning and wisdom
- Love and sentimental happiness
What is it possible to ask the angel Vehuiah?
If you need energy and strength for a new project or to complete your mission, call upon Vehuiah. Likewise, if you need to heal physical pain or emotions, she knows how to respond. If you require a boost in your morale or to regain your self-confidence, she will accompany you. If you want to get out of a difficult period, if you want to get your head above water and see things more clearly, Vehuiah will guide you forward. Furthermore, in order to reveal all your abilities and show you in your true light, Vehuiah will be your spiritual guide. She will also help you to be more productive in everything you do, which includes better concentration.
How to call Vehuiah
You can communicate with your guardian angel during their days and regency hours, which are 9th January, 21st March, 3rd June, 17th August and 29th October between 00:00 and 00:20.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Electra incense:
Prayer for VehuiahGuardian angel Vehuiah, give me the willingness and the bravery to commence without becoming weak in order to build by finishing what I have started. Teach me to master and channel my energy, to challenge myself, to go beyond my limits, my anger, my turbulence bit by bit, to think without enforcing my will and above all to be champion of my own world, an everyday hero, like you, who is an example for everyone, so that I may succeed in life. Amen!
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
I love you people for your explanation on vehuiah my gaidian angle becuose I was born on March 22 1978 and am so amaizine let me no more abouty astrological angels thanks kudos to you all
Prophet Isaiah onifade, 9 months ago
Thank you for your wonderful feedback and support. Susan and the team.
Susan Taylor