If you’re wondering how to reach out to your guardian angel, then look no further than the feathers that have been sent your way. If you do come across one, then it’s most likely that you have questions that need answering about your career, your health, or your love life, for example, so thank the angel for their message and take care of the gift they’ve sent you.
What does finding a feather mean spiritually? - Feather symbolism depends on color
Just like Angel Numbers, feathers can be used to communicate with the heavens. We have compiled a list of fourteen types for you to see below- it’s now up to you to discover what the ones you encounter mean.
- Get all the insights you need into peacock feathers and read up on the symbolic meaning of birds -
Click on the feather that you've seen to work out the meaning of your angelic message.
Purple feather meaning: Prepare for a spiritual awakening |  White feather meaning: Your angel is watching over you |  Brown feather meaning: Good health and tranquility | 
Gray feather, meaning: Peace and harmony are on their way | 
Black feather meaning: You'll feel better very soon |

Blue feather meaning: More spirituality in your life than ever | 
Yellow feather meaning: Everything will be alright in the end |  Orange feather meaning: Your creativity will flow through |  Pink feather meaning: Love and happiness on the horizon |  Red feather: Love and seduction are coming your way |
 Green feather meaning: Luck will surely be on your side |  Brown and white feather meaning: Happiness is fast approaching |  White and black feather meaning: Hope and balance |  Greenish red feather meaning: Your finances are set to improve |  Pigeon feather meaning: All is not lost, don't give up |
White feather spiritual meaning: Your angel is watching over you
This color indicates your angel is by your side and listening to the prayers that you so desperately require answering. What’s more, if you happen to see a small one, then it suggests that you’re also being watched over by a loved one who has passed away. Finding a feather of this color is a message urging you to keep your faith and to know that no matter what happens, there is someone up above that has your back.
>>> Discover what it means to find a dead bird and the meaning of your sneezes
Brown feather meaning: Good health and tranquility
Peacefulness is set to make a return to your life. Finding a brown one promotes stability and balance, and indicates there’ll soon be a time when you’ll find harmony between the physical and the spiritual world. With the brown feather meaning, your angel is communicating to you that whilst things might be unsettled right now, stability and strength will soon be restored.
Gray feather meaning: Peace will come
Gray is a neutral color and, therefore, demonstrates that the answer to your question is far more complex than a simple black or white response. Your life might be a little frantic at the moment, so it’s during this time that you must place your trust in your angel and their ability to resolve the difficulties that are holding you down.
Black feather spiritual meaning: You’ll soon feel better
You’ll often come across a black feather if you're sorrowful or if you’ve lost your way. Fortunately, this one represents the negative energies that currently cloud your mind, so it's a way for your angel to show that they hear your misery and will do everything in their power to put a smile back on your face. It’s a reminder that whilst times might be tough, you have the strength and the wisdom to overcome any hardship that comes your way.
Blue feather spiritual meaning: More spiritual than ever
This one symbolizes the spirituality that is soon to take priority for you. Calmness and peaceful energy will consume you, and you’ll be filled with a newfound desire to listen intensely before you speak. Your psychic abilities are slowly being unlocked, and you’ll soon be fascinated by the thought of communicating with your angel. Perhaps it's time to give praying and meditation a go.
Yellow feather spiritual meaning: Everything will be alright
You might feel like things are a little uncertain, but the sight of this feather will assure you that you’re on the right track and that you’ll soon be rewarded. It’s an angelic reminder to stay light-hearted and cheerful in even the hardest of times, and to be thankful for the good in your life. If you keep your spirits high, then life will undoubtedly treat you well.
Orange feather spiritual meaning: Your creativity will flow
This is a sign that you’re more creative than ever at the moment, and so you must channel this creativity into overcoming the obstacles that have held you back. They’re a message from your guardian angel to listen to your inner voice and think in ways that you’ve never thought before to reach goals that you’ve always considered unreachable.
Purple feather spiritual meaning: Prepare for a spiritual awakening
In being such a spiritual color, purple findings are used by angels as a way to urge your spiritual growth. There's something plaguing your mind, so if you want to hit new heights, then you'll need to open up about what's troubling you. On clearing your mind, you'll be gifted with a newfound spirituality that will aid your observation of the links between body, mind, and soul that you'll never have seen before.
Pink feather spiritual meaning: Love and happiness
This color suggests that a big surprise is awaiting you in your love life. It's a symbol of unconditional love and is an angelic reminder to look to love when times are uncertain. It remains to be seen whether this implies a pregnancy, proposal, or that new love is on its way, but if there’s one thing that's certain, it’s that you’ll be filled with joy as a result.
Red feather meaning: Love and seduction
With a red one, prepare to be overcome by love in your life. Red symbolizes passion and lust, so if you happen to see one, then you should prepare yourself for a romantic encounter or passionate exchange. It indicates that you’ll be more confident and attuned than ever, so it’s a time that your art of seduction will do nothing less than thrive.
Green feather spiritual meaning: Luck will surely be on your side
A green feather signifies that if there’s one thing you won’t be missing, it’s luck! The color implies fertility and fortune, which suggests that you'll come into a large sum of money or will see everything fall into place in your love life. What's more, if a loved one has ill health, then it could be a sign that they'll recover and get back on their feet very soon.
Brown and white: Happiness is fast approaching
Seeing a brown and white one suggests that times of happiness are fast approaching. However, it’s important to know that it won’t be easy, and you must go through hardship to reach the good times at the other end. If you’re patient and keep your eyes fixed firmly on success, then your angel has no doubt that you’ll quickly reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
Black and white: Hope and balance
You might be losing faith, but this feather promises that not all is lost. Indeed, it suggests that huge change is on its way. There's something from your past that is holding you back at the moment, so it's up to you to let it go and transform your perspective. It might feel like things are taking a turn for the worse, but it’s a sign from the angelic that you will be protected and balance will soon be restored in your life.
Peacock feather spiritual meaning: Your finances are set to improve
This indicates that you’ll receive some news on your finances in the near future. It might come as a complete surprise, but it hails the arrival of a large sum of money. The extravagance and glamour imply great prosperity, so if you see a feather of this kind, then expect to receive a fortune in the near future.
Gray-black pigeon: All is not lost
If you come across a pigeon feather, then it’s most likely that you’re going through a difficult time. It often represents family, it’s an angelic message urging you to call on your nearest and dearest to get through hardship. Your angel wants you to know that all is not lost and that as long as you surround yourself with the love of your family, happier times will be waiting for you on the other side.
What does a multicolored feather mean spiritually?
Multicolored feathers allow for other interpretations of the angels' messages. Discover the meanings of the color combinations below:
- Brown and white feathers: an omen of happiness and angelic protection;
- Gray and white feathers: symbol of balance and hope;
- White and black feathers provide stability, protection, and symbolize union;
- Black and violet feathers invite a higher spiritual life;
- Green and red feathers symbolize money-making, indicating growth in finances;
- White, black, and blue feathers indicate a change in your life.
Thank you so much this has been meaningful to me.
Mavis, 5 months ago
Hello Mavis, Thank you so much for your comment. It's amazing to know that you've found comfort in our content. Yours, Susan
Susan Taylor