Guardian Angel Prayer: How To Thank The Higher Spirits

Last updated by Madison Carter

Your guardian angel is that invisible spiritual companion whom you often call on for help and advice. This heavenly being is always there for you and always ready to listen to you, so with this in mind, we shouldn’t forget to show our gratitude, and thanks for this incomparable accompaniment. Once the distress and drama are over in your life, it is important to think about saying a prayer of thanks to the angels.

Guardian Angel Prayer: How To Thank The Higher Spirits

Now that you know the name of your guardian angel, you have probably already prayed to them for help and assistance. Perhaps they have answered you. In that case, a prayer of thanks to them seems like an essential and meaningful act of gratitude.

We often ask for the help and intercession of saints and angels to obtain graces from God, but once obtained, do we think of thanking them? It is right, however, to show our gratitude to those who looked upon us when we were in distress. The higher powers help us all the time, even when we are not aware of it, so it is indispensable to thank them with Guardian angel prayers.

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😇 Guardian Angel prayers to recite to your protectors

We don't always have the words to show our gratitude to our guardian angel. This is why we offer you 2 ways to simply say thank you.

Prayer 1:

'My dearest Holy Guardian Angel, you whom God, through the effect of his goodness, has entrusted with the care of my life, you who assist me in my prayers, you who support me in my efforts for a better life, you who are always there when I need you, I say to you from the bottom of my heart an immense “Thank You”. Amen.'

Prayer 2:

'Blessed are you, Holy Angel, since in his love for me, God has chosen you to take care of my life, you who from the first moment of my existence has never abandoned me, who day and night assists me to turn away from evil and help me to do good.

I give you thanks for what you have already done for me, and I ask you to continue to protect me. Be my help in my needs, my consolation in my sorrows, my support in my discouragements, defend me against the enemies of my salvation, remove from me the opportunities to sin, obtain for me the grace to be faithful and docile to you.

But above all, protect me at the hour of death, and do not leave me until you have brought me to my Lord.

O my guardian angel, since in his love the Lord has entrusted me to you, enlighten me, guide me, keep me and govern me.'

🌟 The Mirror Number Oracle - Choose 3 cards! 🪞

Take a deep breath and focus. The angels are here to share their wisdom with you through 3 special cards. Let your intuition guide you as you select your 3 cards, and discover their message.

Guardian angel prayer for finding love

When you say this prayer, imagine yourself walking hand in hand with someone you are attracted to. This person will no doubt have the qualities you like and the same tastes as you. Their physical appearance also matches your choice. You are happy, everything is going well.

‘Divine Love is infinite in its great wisdom.
God created the woman for the man and the man for the woman, I know that from now on, he leads me to the person I will love and who will love me with all his heart. This person exists and will manifest himself.
I will recognize him thanks to Divine Love.
I send thoughts of Love and respect toward this person.
I thank the Lord for his Divine Love.

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Keep seeing 11:11 or 22:22? These numbers aren’t coincidences—they are divine messages guiding you toward clarity and transformation.

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Thank you prayer to my Guardian Angel

Dear Guardian Angel, I turn to you with gratitude and love. I acknowledge your constant, benevolent presence in my life. Through thick and thin, your protective wings have surrounded me, guiding and supporting me. 

Today, I wish to express my deep gratitude for all the times you've watched over me, bringing me comfort and inspiration in dark times, and sharing with me moments of joy and success. 

Thank you for the subtle signs you sent me, for the insights that guided me along the path of truth and growth. Thank you for your unconditional love, for your infinite patience, and for the blessings you've showered on my life.’

Prayer to guardian angel for protection

"Dear Guardian Angel, thank you for watching over me and protecting me each day. I ask for your continued guidance and protection, especially in times of trouble or danger. Please surround me with your love and light, and shield me from harm. Help me to make wise choices and avoid harm to myself or others. I trust in your care and guidance, and I know that you will always be with me. Thank you for your loving protection, now and always. Amen."

What is the Guardian Angel prayer used for?

Giving thanks to our guardian angels through prayer is often seen as a way of cultivating a deep spiritual connection and acknowledging their benevolent presence in our lives. These prayers of gratitude create a space to express our appreciation for their constant support, guidance, and protection, even though their actions may not always be directly observable. By expressing gratitude through prayer, we strengthen our connection with these spiritual entities, which can nourish our emotional and spiritual well-being. What's more, it can also help cultivate a general attitude of gratitude towards the blessings and positive experiences we encounter, while fostering a positive, optimistic state of mind in our lives.

Why is it important to show your appreciation to the higher powers?

Gratitude is very important in the spiritual world. Being grateful is as good for your health and spirit as it is for your happiness. In fact, it is proven that by being thankful, we remember for a good moment, the reason why we say thank you. These thoughts allow us to be more optimistic, more relaxed and reduce psychological pain. Showing gratitude also increases self-confidence. So, there are always good reasons to say thank you to your guardian angel!

Susan Taylor’s insights: Don't be afraid

In all circumstances, you can invoke your Guardian Angel, he will always do everything to make your requests succeed. To invoke him, you just have to call him by his name and address a prayer to him.

This prayer will be one of your choice, with your own words. The important thing is to put your heart into it. However, it is important to remain within the realm of what is normal and feasible. If you respect this rule, there is no doubt that your Guardian Angel will intercede on your behalf.

 If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

- The future is mine -

Be sure to check out these articles too;

* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:

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Article presented by
Madison, Carter

"Spiritual Content Curator for MyAstroMag - ✨ Guided by spirituality, guardian angels, and the messages in mirror hours, I’ve devoted my life to exploring the divine forces that surround us. Through my work at MyAstroMag, I strive to inspire and uplift others on their own spiritual journeys. ✨"


Lovely writing in the depth of the love the Lord and those who follow his life of love and Hubble, giving of love.

Doreen, 2 years ago

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FAQ: Mirror Hour Readings

What are the benefits of understanding mirror hours? ▼

Understanding mirror hours can provide you with insights into recurring patterns in your life, spiritual messages, and guidance. It can help you make informed decisions, find clarity, and connect with your higher self or spiritual guides.

What can I expect during a mirror hour reading? ▼

During a mirror hour reading, the psychic will interpret the significance of the specific times you keep seeing, such as 02:02 or 09:09. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a deeper understanding of the messages being conveyed to you.

Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼

Yes, we offer an exclusive deal for new clients: Add just $10 and get $30 FREE! That’s $40 worth of psychic insights to help you uncover the secrets of your mirror hours. Claim your $30 bonus now and start your journey with clarity and guidance!

How should I prepare for a mirror hour reading? ▼

To prepare for a mirror hour reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or specific times you have noticed beforehand.

Are the readings confidential? ▼

Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.