Astral Projection: Unlock The Hidden Secrets Of Out-of-Body Travel

Last updated by Susan Taylor

For centuries, astral travel has been practiced by people who weren't necessarily endowed with mystical powers, so why wouldn't you give it a shot too? If you also want to experience this journey and take your soul out of your bodily surroundings in order to see life differently, all you need to do is follow our guide! Discover the steps to follow to perform an astral projection.

Astral Projection: Unlock The Hidden Secrets Of Out-of-Body Travel

What is Astral Projection?

Have you ever felt like your consciousness could drift beyond your body, experiencing a world beyond the physical? Astral projection is an age-old practice that claims to allow just that—a journey beyond the material plane, into the vast, unexplored universe of the mind and spirit.

For thousands of years, mystics, monks, and philosophers have described experiences of leaving their bodies and moving through unexplained dimensions, encountering entities, and accessing hidden knowledge. Some believed these experiences were sacred, a way to journey into the divine. Others questioned whether they were simply vivid dreams or hallucinations. But no matter the interpretation, the sheer number of people who claim to have astral projected—many without trying—makes it one of the most compelling phenomena in human spirituality.

Astral projection

Despite skepticism, countless individuals have reported spontaneous or induced astral travels, some under meditation, others in near-death experiences. Whether reality or illusion, the descriptions remain eerily consistent. But what truly happens during astral projection? And, more importantly, can anyone learn how to do it?

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The origins & mysticism of Astral Projection

Astral projection spans across many ancient civilizations. The Egyptians believed in the “Ka,” an ethereal double that could separate from the corporeal body. Discover your Egpytian zodiac sign here. Some tomb paintings even depict souls rising from the body, watching over their sleeping forms. In Ancient Greece, the philosopher Plato spoke of the soul transcending its physical form, existing in a realm beyond perception.

Meanwhile, in Tibetan Buddhism, monks practiced ‘Dream Yoga,’ a discipline aimed at achieving self-awareness in dream states to traverse different dimensions. Similarly, Hindu texts reveal the concept of the sukshma sharira, or "subtle body," which could leave the physical realm and ascend toward enlightenment.

These traditions point to a powerful, ancient belief: That consciousness is not confined to the body. And, with practice, it can be projected beyond the physical world.

How Astral Projection works: The conscious separation

Astral projection is described as a state where the astral body, the non-physical counterpart of our physical form, separates and moves independently. Some accounts suggest it is tethered by a silver cord, an energetic connection between the astral self and the body. Practitioners claim that with focus, relaxation, and intention, one can detach the self and explore new dimensions.

The experience varies—some projectors describe floating effortlessly above their bodies upon separation, while others find themselves in an entirely new environment. Time seems to move differently. Sometimes, environments appear to shift between known spaces and entirely new landscapes, leading some to believe in an entirely separate astral realm existing beyond our world.

While spontaneous projections happen to some individuals during sleep or trauma, controlled astral projection requires a special mental state—one that balances deep relaxation with conscious intent.

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Step-by-step guide to Astral Projection - How to perform it

✦ 1. Achieve deep relaxation

Your surroundings must be distraction-free. A quiet, dimly lit room helps remove external stimuli. Comfort is key—lie down in a restful position and close your eyes. Begin controlled breathing, inhaling and exhaling in slow, rhythmic motions. As you relax, try releasing tension from every muscle, starting from your toes and working upward.

✦ 2. Enter the Hypnagogic state

This delicate phase occurs just before sleep. Your body is completely relaxed, but your mind is alert. Thoughts will drift. At this moment, focus on nothing but the sensation of your body melting into the space around you. Many practitioners experience light tingling or floating sensations at this stage.

✦ 3. Induce vibrations

Once in a deep meditative state, you may feel a strange buzzing or pulsing within your body. This is the most critical stage. Vibrations indicate that the astral body is ready to separate. Do not fight it—embrace the sensation and trust the process.

✦ 4. Begin the separation

Visualization is key. Picture yourself rising gently out of your body, like mist lifting from the surface of water. Some find success by imagining a rope hanging from the ceiling—mentally reach for it and pull yourself upward. This can create the sensation of floating free from physical form.

✦ 5. Explore the Astral Realm

New projectors may only hover near their sleeping bodies initially, while experienced travelers can move effortlessly into new dimensions. Some locations are lucid dream-like settings, whereas others seem boundless and divine. Travelers report a sense of weightlessness, euphoria, and heightened awareness.

The Astral realms: Where can you go?

Astral travelers have described encounters with breathtaking landscapes, vast cosmic libraries, and entities beyond imagination. Some of the most commonly visited locations include:

  • 🏛 The Akashic Records – A realm believed to contain the history of all souls, past, present, and future. Some claim to have accessed detailed knowledge about their own past lives and universal truths.
  • 🌌 The Void Realm – A space of infinite blackness, yet strangely peaceful. Some describe it as the primordial source of all consciousness.
  • 👁 Guides & Other Beings – Some experiencers report encounters with entities of light, often revered as spirit guides, who share wisdom and guidance during projection.

While descriptions remain subjective, many projectors report overwhelming feelings of interconnectedness and insight while traveling—something difficult to dismiss solely as imagination.

Returning safely & closing the experience

When the journey is complete, returning is simple: Focus on reconnecting with your physical body. Feeling the weight of your limbs and breathing deeply can bring awareness back into the physical form. Most travelers return instantaneously when the intention is made, snapping back as if being gently pulled by their silver cord.

It’s important to journal each experience, as details may fade upon full consciousness. Many find that with repeated practice, their journeys become clearer and more profound. This technique of self-hypnosis is within everyone's reach, to carry it out, all you have to do is learn about it.

How can I wake up from an Astral journey?

Coming back to oneself is very simple. For good reason, your soul always remains connected to your body by an invisible force called the "silver cord". So, let this force guide your soul to your body. Then gradually regain possession of your body, move your fingers and toes (physically and mentally). By doing this, you will regain full consciousness.

What to do in case of bad encounters

It is possible that you may encounter an evil entity during your astral travel, but there is no reason to panic. As in earthly life, the best thing to do is to avoid altercations... So, change your route so as not to come into conflict with troublemakers!

You are now able to direct your soul just as much as you direct your body in everyday life. The human body is capable of many things, so go a little further and discover how to reach spiritual awakening by checking out the Angel numbers and mirror hours.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Listen to your body and mind

It is also important to know that the vast majority of clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition phenomena are experienced in dreams. Because when we dream, we are in a modified state of consciousness and therefore more subject to these phenomena. Thus, certain lucid dreams resemble out-of-body experiences.
If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.

- The future is mine -

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Article presented by
Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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