This technique of self-hypnosis is within everyone's reach, to carry it out, all you have to do is learn about it.
How to perform an astral projection. 6 steps to prepare your body and mind
1. Opt for morning sessions
Rather than doing this exercise in the evening, start at 1 a.m. when you are still sleepy. It's easier to reach the state of relaxation necessary for high self-awareness around this time.
2. Establish a perfect calm
Choose a room where you feel perfectly comfortable. Pull the blinds and rid the room of distracting noises. The moment should be quiet and nothing and no one should interrupt you.
In order to do so, turn off laptops and computers and tell your family and friends not to disturb you. A rude awakening could be painful.
3. Lie down to relax
Lie down, as if you were getting ready to sleep. Lay on your back, close your eyes and clear your mind of all thoughts. You need to focus on your body and your feelings.
4. Listen to your body
This is the point where you contract your muscles and then relax them, one by one. Start with your toes and working your way up to your head. Each muscle must be fully relaxed before moving on to the next step. If all goes well, your body must feel heavy... very heavy... so heavy that any movement becomes difficult.
5. Concentrate on your breathing
This process will plunge you into a state of inner peace. Inhale deeply and then exhale completely, gently (as if you were counting to 4) as if you were practicing meditation. Do not keep any tension in your chest and shoulders.
6. Use a quartz
To speed up the process, you can use a quartz crystal. To do so, place it on your forehead and close your eyes whilst breathing deeply.... That's it, you will feel vibrations and your mind will clear up. Try to visualize the colors purple, gold or white. When you begin the journey, place the quartz on your chest, stomach or hold it in your hand. Its strong vibrations will protect you from negative energies.
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3 steps to detach your body from your mind
1. Forget your physical body
Your soul must not be trapped in matter to rise, so clear your head. Attempting the slightest movement or sketching a thought would plunge you back into matter and the exit from the body will be delayed.
2. Dive into a hypnotic state
Your body and mind should approach sleep, but be careful not to lose consciousness completely. To be halfway between awakening and sleep is to reach the hypnotic state necessary for the realization of your astral journey. Little by little, you will feel a sensation of lightness and then of floating in the air. Shake your mind to tell it where you want to go.
3. Enter a vibratory state
The vibrations will come in waves, at different frequencies. They indicate to the body that the soul is preparing to leave it. Don't be afraid, this may force you to leave your state of meditation. Succumb. You will be able to use your mind to move your soul. Imagine the room in which you are lying down and mentally move your body in order to stand. Now you can enjoy your astral journey!
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Please note
Once you're out, avoid turning back to your physical body. Seeing it resting without a soul would give you a shock... Generally, the first astral journeys are quite short in order to allow you to take possession of the means to control your soul.
How can I wake up from an astral journey?
Coming back to oneself is very simple. For good reason, your soul always remains connected to your body by an invisible force called the "silver cord". So, let this force guide your soul to your body. Then gradually regain possession of your body, move your fingers and toes (physically and mentally). By doing this, you will regain full consciousness.
What to do in case of bad encounters
It is possible that you may encounter an evil entity during your astral travel, but there is no reason to panic. As in earthly life, the best thing to do is to avoid altercations... So, change your route so as not to come into conflict with troublemakers!
You are now able to direct your soul just as much as you direct your body in everyday life. The human body is capable of many things, so go a little further and discover how to reach spiritual awakening by checking out the Angel numbers and mirror hours.
Susan Taylor’s insights: Listen to your body and mindIt is also important to know that the vast majority of clairvoyance, telepathy, and precognition phenomena are experienced in dreams. Because when we dream, we are in a modified state of consciousness and therefore more subject to these phenomena. Thus, certain lucid dreams resemble out-of-body experiences. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.
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