Question Of The Month: Psychic Lex Shares Her Wisdom

Last updated by Susan Taylor

We're super excited to introduce our featured psychic advisor for this month! These amazing spiritual guides have truly shown empathy, and wisdom in helping members of Astrofame's community navigate life's ups and downs. And guess what? Each month, we're shining a spotlight on a new question to keep you learning, growing, and moving forward on your journey. This month, it's Lex's turn to share her infinite wisdom with us, the question we asked her was; 'do you think the pursuit of success can become self-destructive?' let's dive straight in!

Question Of The Month: Psychic Lex Shares Her Wisdom

🔮 Featured psychic advisor for July; Lex 🔮

Yoselem - Lex

Lex - Psychic reader

Over 150 readings

⭐ 100% Positive Feedback

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Talk to Lex
🔮 More on Lex and how she can help you:
  • Lex's reading style: Compassionate and inspirational.
  • Experience: Over 20 years.
  • What Lex specializes in: Lex offers heartfelt prophetic readings in matters of love, career, and family. She also provides spiritual dream analysis and explanations of paranormal activities. Additionally, she offers guided meditation and prayer to heal matters of the heart and mind, such as breakup, abandonment, depression, and anxiety. She understands that my customers are seeking answers, so I will not waste time with rambling.
  • How she helps people: Lex is a seasoned advisor offering prophetic readings in love, career, and family, as well as spiritual dream analysis and paranormal explanations. With over 10 years of experience and natural gifts in prophecy and clairvoyance, she provides clear, honest, and compassionate guidance. Lex begins each session with a prayer for divine insight and encourages clear communication to ensure clients receive the most accurate and helpful messages.
  • Languages: English.
🌟 Question of the Month 🌟

Lex, do you think the pursuit of success can become self-destructive?

Lex: Absolutely, I believe the pursuit of success can indeed become self-destructive. As humans, we have a natural inclination to chase after "the next best thing." This relentless pursuit often leads us to overlook the blessings and ways in which our lives are already fulfilled.

By constantly remaining in a state of what I like to call "destination fixation," we trap ourselves in a mindset of lack. This fixation on future goals and achievements can prevent us from appreciating the present moment and the abundance that already exists in our lives.

According to the law of attraction, we must operate in a state of gratitude to attract more positive experiences and outcomes. When we focus on what we already have and express genuine appreciation for it, we raise our vibrations and create a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Therefore, while ambition and the desire for success are not inherently negative, it is crucial to maintain a healthy balance. We should strive to achieve our goals, but not at the expense of our well-being and happiness. By practicing gratitude and living in the present, we can pursue success in a way that enriches our lives rather than detracts from it.

As your spiritual advisor, I am here to support you on your journey. You can count on me anytime.

Love and Light, Psychic Lex ✨

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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