Why contact Leuviah; your guardian angel?
Leuviah allows you to find perfect equilibrium. Thanks to her, you know how to make fair decisions and take on doable projects. You can summon guardian angel Leuviah if you wish to be wiser, live simpler, become more intelligent and if you strive towards social inclusion. By communicating with her, you can discover the meaning of the difficulties you encounter when trying to integrate within society, which is full of both disgrace and acceptance. Modesty and caution allow you to overcome adversity.

Guardian angel Leuviah provides:
- A good memory
- Control of your emotions
- Perseverance
- Reasoning
- Strength and courage
- An ability to distance yourself from toxic people
What you can ask the angel Leuviah
If you suffer from back problems and back pain, be sure to reach out to Leuviah, plus, she also acts against memory problems and amnesia. If you wish to obtain explanations for difficulties encountered, implore the guardian angel Leuviah for guidance. Lastly, to develop your faculties and your capacities, Leuviah will guide you to find the right solutions, allowing you to use your intelligence to solve problems.
How to call Leuviah
If Leuviah is your guardian angel, you can summon them during their days and regency hours, which are 27th January, 8th April, 22nd June, 5th September and 16th November between 06:00 and 06:20.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Benzoin incense:
Prayer for LeuviahAngel Leuviah, expand my intelligence, Reinforce my logic and objectivity, Improve my memory and communication. Allow me to find a joy for life within the simple, healthy pleasure of life. Help me bear the weight of daily life without me becoming discouraged. Amen.
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
Thanks for helping me to know my Guadian Angel of my life
Daudi Chacha, 2 months ago
Hello, Thank you for your comment. It's my pleasure to help you connect with your Angel. Yours, Madison ⭐✨
Madison Carter