Pahaliah angel meaning: A sexual guide
As an angel of love and gentleness, Pahaliah helps you to stay away from malice, aggression, or anger. He always turns your heart toward wisdom and acceptance of what is here and now. Likewise, he helps you to blossom in a relationship that will combine spirituality and love, sexuality and soul fusion. He keeps away the too passionate and destructive relationships, to put on your way the right person with whom you will be able to bloom fully.
To all those who are dealing with sexuality problems, blockages in the physical body, problems of libido, and desire, this spirit guide will help you if you ask him. Sexuality does not have to be the object of shame, if it is made with the good people, in the respect of each one. With his help, you will see sexuality as a possibility to merge with your partner, from soul to soul. However, be careful though, for is an angel of righteousness: if you're looking for one-night stands, he'll quickly bring you back on the right path, just as he'll keep dishonest people and unfaithful partners away from you!
Pahaliah’s pentacle

Why contact Pahaliah; your guardian angel?
Pahaliah helps you master your passions and urges. You can truly awaken your consciousness thanks to your guardian angel, who enhances spiritual callings. Bravery, tenacity, violence or even mastery of sexuality can feature amongst the many issues dealt with through summoning Pahaliah. You also receive help when fighting for what you believe in, and your guardian angel offers you the resources required to convince others.

Guardian angel Pahaliah provides:
- Spiritual help
- Healthy and pure sexuality
- The ability to make sacrifices
- Harmony in faith
- Faithfulness and protection against an unhealthy sex life
What you can ask angel Pahaliah
If you have back pain, especially in the lumbar region, ask Pahaliah to free you from your physical struggles. Plus, if you need to overcome difficult moments and feel supported, call on him. Likewise, if you feel the need in a fight to show more physical and psychological resistance, pray to Pahaliah. If you need to believe and show more tenacity in your daily life, Pahaliah encourages bravery and motivation.
How to call Pahaliah
If Pahaliah is your guardian angel, you can communicate with them during their days and regency hours, which are 28th January, 9th April, 23rd June, 6th September and 17th November between 06:20 and 06:40.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with nutmeg incense:
Prayer for PahaliahAngel Pahaliah, cure me of my past mistakes, of my indulgence, my suffering, my restless wandering. Protect me from evil and guide me towards goodness, whilst reinforcing my faith, my trust, my energy. Lead me towards happiness. Amen.
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
I think you are one Amazing and Woman with Passion and Drive. I only Hope soon, I can find my back to .my Passion, Drive and generally my whole being. Being drained of my energy brings me down. I had an old set of Tarot cards I started to shuffle them.. Out came Pahalia.. Pretty spot on to my life at the Moment.
Allison, 2 years ago