As an angel of reconciliation, Asaliah helps us find harmony in our relationships. He will also help you to be sincere with yourself and with your partner. Asaliah does not support lies, pretenses, and hypocrisy! If your relationship is surrounded by negative energies and malicious people, Asaliah will help you to free yourself from these hindrances and will keep away backbiting and jealousy. Finally, if you wish to enlarge your family, he will help you to realize this dream, in love and harmony!
Asaliah Guardian Angel 😇: An introduction to him
Asaliah's name means “just God who tells the truth” and is a male angel. He is associated with the honesty and encourages his followers to be perceptive and discerning. Asaliah is often described as having a calm, reflective energy, emanating a serenity that inspires inner peace. Those who have had experiences with this angel often speak of a feeling of warmth and light, as if wrapped in a protective cloak of love and understanding.
One of Asaliah's most distinctive characteristics is his dedication to the truth. It is said to help individuals see beyond illusions and pretenses, revealing the hidden truth behind life's situations and challenges. Its energy also brings increased mental clarity, helping individuals to make informed decisions based on wisdom, not emotion. In addition, Asaliah is a champion of justice. He guides and supports those who fight for justice, whether on a large scale in social movements or in personal challenges where fairness and righteousness are at stake.
If you want to know the truth about a situation, if you have doubts about the honesty of someone around you, ask this angel to bring out the truth and expect powerful revelations. If you have new projects, especially in the field of spirituality and personal development, this protector will lead you on the path to success, while helping you to regain your faith.
Virtues and Powers:
| Love, Development, Intelligence, Life Mission
| Water
| Orange
| Fire Agate, Selenite, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Jasper, Pearl, Sardonyx, Serpentine, White Topaz
| Sun and Mercury
Sefirot*: | Tiferet |
| Michael
*The sefirots are the ten creative powers of the Kabbale. They present themselves in the form of the tree of Kabbalah, where each Sefirot is an emanation of the energy of God the Creator.
Wow, it's my first time but happy pls more insight how to relate my guidain angel
Bright jack, a year ago