Eyael Guardian angel of Pisces (from 20th to 24th February): What are his natives like?
Eyael’s followers are idealists, epicureans and have an emotional side. They enjoy all of life’s pleasures and love helping others. For them, it is imperative that everyone is happy. Thanks to this guardian angel, they are supported during positive but also negative change. His followers are also protected from fake information and can therefore thrive in world history and the sciences.
Eyael meaning in the bible: Angel of pure joy
Eyael has an energetic vibration close to that of a child, filled with softness and tenderness. It is said that we feel amazed when we feel him at our side. He sends to all those who pray to him such a dose of energy and light that we can quickly become dependent on his help, so much his presence positively moves us! He brings into our hearts the joy we could feel when we were children: a simple joy, a pure joy, a joy filled with innocence. This is how he likes to see humans.
So if you feel that you have too much negativity around you, ask this guardian angel to help you. Your vision of things will be profoundly transformed: you will feel an irresistible desire to move forward, to believe in the possibility of a joyful and happy tomorrow. This guardian will also show you all the beautiful possibilities that your life path holds for you. He also instills tenderness and gentleness in all of us. In our society, we don't let ourselves be spontaneous and generous towards those we meet or cross paths with... Eyael helps us to do this and shows us how much pleasure there is in being kind and loving towards others.
- Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers -
Eyael's pentacle
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Why contact Eyael; your guardian angel?
If you are worried about change, you can contact Eyael to support you during this stage in your life. Whilst he is the angel capable of providing a love for life, he can also help you with the positive side of things. Summoning your guardian angel is also advisable if you are feeling sad and isolated. Indeed, he encourages exchanges and shows you the benefits of solitude.
If you’re dealing with a significant change in your life and this situation worries you, summon Eyael. He will protect you and help you get through this difficult time.
Guardian angel Eyael provides:
- Positivity
- Scientific and historical knowledge
- Understanding
- Compassion
What is it possible to ask the angel Eyael?
If you're stressing about changes and are anxious about breaking your routine, call on the guardian angel Eyael, because he will protect you and help you get through these challenges. If you need to be alone to take time for yourself through meditation, your benefactor will give you the time you need to be alone. Also, if you wish to look on the positive side of life and favor the glass half full, rather than half-empty, the angel Eyael will be there for you. On the health level, he acts on sleep disorders and insomnia. By soliciting him, he ensures a healthier sleep and reduces night wakings.
How to call Eyael
You can communicate with your guardian angel during their days and regency hours, which are 3rd January, 15th March, 28th May, 11th August and 24th October between 22:00 and 22:20.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Myrrh incense:
Prayer for EyaelEyael, angel of truth! Help me to externalise the spiritual values that God has entrusted me, through your intermediary. Teach me how to distinguish between truth and lie, and allow me, in my daily work, to be able to pay tribute to the truth, harmony, wisdom and beauty. Make me stronger in adversity, and don’t allow my lips to utter untruthful words, in order to escape embarrassing situations. Show me, Angel Eyael, the path of high-level science; yes, take me by the hand and guide me towards spiritual, moral as well as material (sentimental, economic, family…) success. Yes! Yes, free me all-powerful Angel from material enslavement, so that I may carry out the work you have inspired in me! Teach me! Teach me, continually; pour knowledge into me, for I want to be an effective tool in this permanent creation that is our world. Amen!
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
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Olayinka, a year ago