Rahel or Rochel meaning in the bible: Angel of pure joy
When we pray to the angel Rochel, he fills our whole being with sweet angelic vibrations that allow us to develop our clairvoyance, our intuition and our connection with the kingdom of angels. According to the bible, all children born under the guidance of the angel Rochel will have, one day or another, the mission to help humanity, to reach out to their fellow man. He works in collaboration with the angel Damabiah, to instill in each of us beautiful extrasensory abilities that we will then have to distribute around us, as if to better remove the blockages on the path of those around us!
Rochel helps us find solutions to our problems. He shows us gently, but with a certain firmness, what tomorrow holds for us. It helps us not to give up when the storm seems to be over our head. Finally, if we ask him, he helps us to purify our karma, as if to lighten the weight of our soul and allow us to shine with all our light.
- Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels -
Rahel's pentacle

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Why contact Rahel; your guardian angel?
You can contact Rahel if you are dealing with family conflicts. As a staunch defender of justice, he restores order. His ability to create balance might also be useful if you are experiencing problems related to poor management. If you tend to be forgetful, you can also ask for support from your guardian angel to help find a lost object. He will pay attention to you and will prevent you from forgetting where you last put down an object or when you next have a meeting.

Guardian angel Rahel provides:
- Justice
- Memory
- Wealth
- Righteousness
What is it possible to ask the angel Rahel?
If you have a habit of losing things or forgetting them somewhere, call on Rahel. Your benefactor shares his insight for better daily care and gives you his ability to return your belongings. If you have inheritance or succession problems in your family, pray to the guardian angel Rahel to accompany you in this conflict and appease the main parties involved. If you hesitate to reconnect with your origins, or if you are going to travel in search of meaning, then call on the benevolence of your angel Rochel. Likewise, if you have problems related to accounting, administration, administrative papers, or resources in general, ask him.
I hve recently started to accept my gift , im struggling with it to be honest. I'm fighting heart failure on top of grieving for the first time. Being I feel everything deeply , it's all Been so overwhelming to say the least. I'm writing today for help and guidance. I have been told lately tht my angels are trying to tell me something and I'm not getting the message. I Feel this information is accurate. And feel like I'm running out of time. FOR WHAT THOUGH. plz help any guidance or advice or resources would be greatly appreciated. THANK U for your time and hopefully I'll hear back soon . God bless Jeremy
Jeremy Finn, 2 years ago