The qualities Mebahel blesses Gemini natives born between May 27-31 with:
Guardian angel Mebahel is a male angel, symbolizing truth and freedom. He is the master of both justice and the heart. People under his influence like precision, but also look for equality and fraternity. Humanitarianism is often part of their life. It’s not unusual for his followers to use their energy to help those suffering from injustice or who are trapped in situations they don’t deserve to be in. With the help of your guardian angel Mebahel, you have the ability to help those who have lost hope to share your energy and get them out of their current situation. Your sense of commitment is developed, and the relationships you have directly with these suffering people are a reflection of this.
The natives of the guardian angel Mebahel seek the values of fraternity and equality. They are people who love the exact sciences and who have often developed a pronounced humanitarian sense. They share their energy for causes directed towards people suffering from injustice. Mebahel natives love to help and fight for beautiful causes.
Mebahel angel meaning: Timid protector
Mebahel wants to remain discreet, but his help is no less powerful. Whenever necessary, he instills this order in each of us. Like a compass, he shows us the right direction to take and gives us strength and courage to move forward in our daily lives. His primary strength lies in the accuracy of his word. Every time we pray to him, he puts his words in our souls and in our mind. If he breathes love and beauty into each of his children of light, he also helps us to radiate our true being, to free ourselves from the shackles of our minds and our many limiting beliefs.
He also awakens in us faith, love of spirituality, love of angels, and spheres of light. All people who have lost hope should turn to the angel Mebahel, as his help will help them change their outlook and regain the strength to move forward, especially for those suffering from an illness. This angel surrounds the sick with his wings of light and allows the physical bodies and souls to heal. He develops in each of us honesty, uprightness, and frankness, because he does not like false pretenses and even less lies. He reveals all the necessary truths, the most beautiful as well as the least shiny!
His pentacle:
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Virtues and powers: | Justice, Creativity, Self-control
Angelic choir: | The Cherubs, guardians of light and the stars
Sefirot*: | Chochmah which means wisdom, and Netzach which means victory
Archangel: | Raziel
Element: | Air
Hierarchical Color: | Silver
| Purple and Yellow
| Amazonite, Aventurine, Hematite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Pyrite
| Uranus and Venus
* The sefirots are the ten creative powers of the Kabbale. They present themselves in the form of the tree of Kabbalah, where each Sefirot is an emanation of the energy of God the Creator.
Why call on Mebahel?
Summoning Mebahel allows you to be supported in unjust situations. He protects you if you are innocent and allows the truth to come to light. By communicating with Mebahel, you can also develop your artistic side in music, painting and even writing. He is also a guardian angel who brings you many divine thoughts and moral strength.
Guardian angel Mebahel provides:
- Altruism and unconditional love
- The ability to help people who have lost hope and faith
- Distancing from evil forces
- Help in legal matters
- The strength to get out of a toxic relationship
- The truth during a trial
What is it possible to ask guardian angel Mebahel?
If you feel that you are in a relationship with someone who is trying to harm you or who wants to hurt you, do not hesitate to call upon Mebahel because he will protect you from unhealthy people and keep you away from danger. If you want to help more people, call upon Mebahel. With his unconditional love that he shares with you, your benefactor Mebahel allows you to act justly, taking into account the distress of others. If you need help to bring about a little more justice and compassion, your guardian angel will offer you the strength to communicate and share this need for support.
How do you communicate with Mebahel?
Mebahel’s days and regency hours are 22nd January, 3rd April, 17th June, 31st August and 11th November between 04:20 and 04:40.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with sandalwood incense:
Prayer for MebahelAngel Mebahel, grant that I am just, good and inclusive.
Save me from the temptation to move away from this path
on which I ask you to shed light.
Allow me to live as a free being.
Make me unbiased and courageous,
protect me from lies and tyranny.
Lead me to your truth.
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
I need help and justice from my guidian angel Mebahel please help me okay I love you
Naomi Elobi, a year ago