How can you communicate with light beings?
Obviously, spirituality is important, one must open one's mind and heart and, of course, believe in the existence of these beings of light. As we have seen, they use intuition and emotions to exchange, so we must remain very attentive to our feelings. Mindfulness meditation is very effective to achieve hearing one's being of light. Never hesitate to call upon them when you need them, when you are going through a difficult period or when you are feeling a little lost. Even if you think you don't have an answer, they are always there to guide you. In fact, they are comparable to a small voice, deep inside you, that you will eventually distinguish itself with a little patience on your part.
Spirituality is essential for communicating with beings of light, you can't get there without it. However, you also need to be open-minded and believe in their existence. After all, it's impossible to communicate with something that doesn't exist. So you have to start by accepting the existence of beings of light, only then will you be able to communicate with them.
In order to communicate with them, you must:
- trust your intuition;
- stay attentive to your emotions and feelings;
- meditate.
Susan Taylor’s insights: The Universe speaks to usThe universe sends us messages regularly, but it is not always easy to decipher them or even to know how to spot them, as they are sometimes so discreet. If you have questions about your future, if you need answers, don't hesitate to make an appointment with one of our psychics. They will enlighten you about your future with great attention.
- The future is mine - |
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Hello, I've had several spiritual experiences but last night I woke to what appeared to be a light being over my bed. It had a large orb shaped top portion with a lower portion that was long and sort of a oval sideways like a body but all brightly lit. I watched for a bit then it vanished. I assume maybe a guide? It resembled the tall white angelic I saw 20 yrs ago only this wasn't nearly as tall. Anyway, I love seeing feeling as sensing for any negative ones I hope I never experience those again. Very scary stories from my previous home. I try and cleanse often and ground myself with protection. Thank you for writing this post I enjoy reading them. Blessings to you
Carrie, a year ago