5 Easy Steps That Will Help You To Develop Your Sixth Sense

Last updated by Susan Taylor

In addition to the five basic senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell), we can all develop our sixth sense which is connected to our intuition. Although it may not be a physical sense, it does indeed involve subtle and less obvious sensations than what we are used to. Whether it emerges in the form of negative vibes from people or in premonitions, we all have this ability within us and what it takes to fine tune it. Neuroscientists agree that intuition is a form of intelligence present in all of us. We've compiled 5 important tips to help develop it.

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What is our sixth sense?

The Larousse dictionary defines intuition as “direct and immediate knowledge of the truth, without recourse to reasoning or experience.”

For example, imagine that you have to choose between two men or two women, without really knowing why you are going to be attracted to one or the other, even if it is not the most logical decision.Sixth sense

Likewise, if you are lost, you can either ask for directions or follow your instinct to find your way...

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Why should we listen to your intuition?

With a little practice, everyone can be intuitive, all you need to do is listen to your feelings and emotions. Intuition allows you to be warned of danger, to find a new solution to your problems and above all to contribute to your happiness. Our little inner voice is a mine of information, it is a precious compass that allows us to know what is good or bad for us. Following your intuition allows you to feel better about yourself and your life.

5 Ways to develop your sixth sense

1. Adopt an open attitude and forget your prejudices. 

Defend your positions and accept that you can't control everything even if it worries you.

2. Listen to your body. 

In the race for productivity and efficiency we sometimes turn a blind eye to the messages our bodies send us. Don't always try to go further, know how to respect your limits and discover what is good for you.

3. Put your reason aside. 

Forget moment the practical and factual side of events for a moment. If you have a decision to make, ask yourself what will make you happy rather than what is the best decision from a rational point of view.

4. Let go! 

Accept that you do not always have control over events. Leave a place for chance in your daily life.

5. Learn to relax. 

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Clear your mind and concentrate on your feelings and sensations of the moment. Move away from the real world, lose yourself in your thoughts and let your inner voice guide you.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

ESP or The Third Eye, I have it all my life.

Sam 4 years ago

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