Habuhiah in the bible: Don't neglect yourself
In the bible, Habuhiah encourages us to face the difficult moments in a positive light. What you may encounter during your current journey may push you to want to elevate yourself spiritually, morally, and materially; you will realize more and more how much you neglect your soul, your children, your loved ones, and your fellow man… Habuhiah helps highlight all these distortions and to balance them so that you can readjust to the divine norms. During these texts, your earth has been bathed too often in the blood of these internal struggles... Tell your inner people to stop fighting, to make wise compromises (and not compromises), to make peace, and, thus, your fields, your lands... will recover their uses, their qualities... Thus, the inner peace will generate the same reality outside...
Habuhiah's pentacle

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Why contact Habuhiah; your guardian angel?
You can contact your guardian angel if you have health problems. As the angel of healing, she will help and support you. If you are battling against infertility and sterility, Habuhiah will bring you fertility. You can then grow your family peacefully, but also flourish in the fruits of the earth and in agriculture.

If you find yourself in a difficult situation and feel lost, pray for Habuhiah. She will allow you to see more clearly and will help you take a step back. You will succeed in finding the right balance.
Guardian angel Habuhiah provides:
- Fertility
- Healing
- Prosperity
What is it possible to ask the angel Habuhiah?
Pray to Habuhiah for better synchronization between your body and mind. With her light and attraction, she is able to merge the benefits of the body with those of the mind. If you find yourself in a delicate situation, pray to her to see more clearly, then she will help you to take a step back to find the right balance. She will also assist you in taking control of your desires and help you not to be carried away by your impulses. If you have health problems, turn to Habuhiah, especially if they are related to joints, skin, kidneys, teeth, and lungs.
Interesting and applicable...but if Habuhiah is female why refer to her as he or sir in your text, it's confusing.
cat, a year ago