Manakel meaning: Angel of ecology
The angel Manakel transmits to us the desire to take care of nature, to live in a more ecological way, and to get closer to the animals. He reminds us that we all form a great whole! Therefore, he is the protective angel of horticulturists, farmers, landscapers and all those who love to work the land. If you love to garden, ask him to help you, and you will soon find yourself the owner of a wonderful and colorful garden. Among the missions and powers of Manakel is the ability to rejuvenate our bodies, to help us take care of them, and to help us establish new and healthier habits.
He stimulates the creativity in each of us, giving us the desire to create with our hands and to give life to our dreams. He accompanies all those who work with their hands to transmit the healing fluid: Reiki practitioners, magnetizers, soul therapists… If you want to get into magnetism, he will show you the way. You might be surprised at what you get! He will help you to have premonitory dreams and stimulate your intuition. Finally, he helps us to repair our mistakes, what we have broken by anger, by excess, by pride. He puts us back into energies of love and forgiveness... Broken friendships are rebuilt with his help. Broken friendships are rebuilt with his help.
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Manakel's symbol
What can you ask Manakel Guardian Angel?
Although he maintains all things, you can also contact your guardian angel for healing purposes. Manakel is in fact a protector and a supporter. He keeps you away from tense and tempting situations. Whilst he symbolizes memory, he can also help you to interpret your dreams and understand the meaning of them. You can also summon him to attract good people in your life and be protected.
Guardian angel Manakel provides:
- Healing
- Altruism
- Justice
- Understanding
What is it possible to ask the angel Manakel?
If you wish to stay away from temptations, implore Manakel, because he guards you against all the things that can harm your daily life, your habits, and your way of being. He is the guarantor of a stable life, therefore if you find yourself unlovable at times, he will give you the strength to be more friendly, to understand others better, and have a fair amount of compassion. On the health side, he assists you in healing different ailments, plus, he takes care of your skin by solving a number of problems related to dermatology. It is the same for the teeth and the gums. He also acts against incurable pathologies, kidney stones, but also diseases of age, including arthritis and rheumatism.
How to call Manakel
You can communicate with your guardian angel during their days and regency hours, which are 2nd January, 14th March, 27th May, 10th August and 22nd October between 21:40 and 22:00.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Storax incense:
Manakel prayerManakel! Angel possessing the strength to change darkness into pure light, help me escape darkness and mediocrity. Allow me to flee from stagnant, perfunctory situations, and also free me from worries which are material in nature. Help me to discover, Angel Manakel, what is heavenly within me. Show yourself to be caring towards those you protect; heal my physical and moral ailments. Help me to be always loving and kind. Awaken my insight so that I may understand the messages you send me in your dreams, and help me too to get rid of my bad qualities both physical and moral, so that with you, I can carry out my life plans. Amen!
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
Manakel can help financially
Thressia, a year ago