Why call on Omael?
By summoning Omael, you can get support for avoiding emotional manipulation. He is also called the angel of pregnancy. He helps with procreation and maternity. If you are finding it difficult to get pregnant, ask for Omael’s help. If you are already pregnant, you can also call upon him to protect the pregnancy and the child’s future.

If you have plans in your head but struggle to turn them into a reality, Omael can help by bringing you the motivation and organisation that you need.
What you can ask angel Omael
Omael is the guardian angel of motherhood and fertility, therefore, call upon him if you wish to have one or more children, but that this desire for motherhood has difficulties to materialize. If you have health problems to conceive a child and this project remains at a standstill, implore Omael. If you have a pregnancy in progress and are about to become a parent, he can be called upon to protect this end of the pregnancy and to do what is necessary to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Likewise, if you want to get closer to the simple things like gardening or listening to your body, this protector will bring you his light. Alternatively, if you are looking for solutions to materialize, he can provide support. Ultimately, he will give you the strength to push your projects to the end and make your desires come true, whether it is on a professional level or with your family or friends.
How to communicate with Omael
His days and regency hours are 20th April, 4th July, 17th September, 28th November and 7th February between 09:40 and 10:00.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with sandalwood incense:
Prayer for OmaelOh Omael, breath of the divine spirit,
ensure that (say your name) stands respectfully under your gaze.
Spread your grace and blessings over him.
Omael, I summon you in order to grow and multiply,
the way God specifies.
Omael, may the womb that you see over be fertile
and make joyful the birth over which you preside.
May the parents and the child be
Like the sheep and their shepherd.
Through the beginnings offered here,
Through the holy intercessor Jean and through
the holy trinity, grant my wishes and watch over me.
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
I find this interesting and its true my life all this time, I have gone through some difficult times but I always finds God's Grace and one way or the other I know now my Guard Archangel is always with me and carry me through this tough times but one thing I want is if you can provide some scriptures from the Bible to strengthen my Faith and really know my Guardian Angel
Leleng BIRALLA, 9 months ago
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Susan Taylor