Leiazel (or Yeiazel), guardian angel of Libra (from 9th to 13th October)
Leiazel is a male angel who symbolizes consolation and freedom, and therefore encourages liberation from tyranny, oppression and persecution. He also combats suffering and deprivation. His followers are often perfectionists; they don’t stop until completely satisfied with their work. Obstacles and difficulties don’t usually scare them; they instead see them as a chance to reflect and overcome their fears and reservations. This angel blesses his natives with the resources to energize and balance the body. He helps you to regain an overflowing and communicative energy, whilst bringing you peace, harmony, but also the happiness of living. The guardian angel Leiazel or Yeiazel provides a soothing sensation to the body in order to relieve efforts and trials. In order to overcome difficult situations or trials, he adds a step of renewal.
The natives of Leiazel or Yeiazel have a taste for action. They are optimistic, see obstacles and difficulties as a way to surpass themselves and bounce back better. They overcome their fears and hesitations quite easily. Likewise, they are emotional and sensitive, with a good ear for what is around them. Intuitive and receptive, they like to develop a great deal of mobility in order to respond to the many requests.
Why call upon this angel?
If you want to find relief, love, maturity or even spiritual influence, you can summon your guardian angel Leiazel. As a liberating angel, Leiazel lets you reach out to others if you are shy, as well as overcome your difficulties, fears, flaws and bad habits.
If you are in difficulty, you can count on him to console you and help you easily get over physical illness. You like doing things and every day are determined not to be inactive.
As he takes care of our well-being, he is the angel to pray to when we want to take care of our body, take new eating habits. With his help, no frustrations are on the agenda: the goal is that we feel happy and determined. As a very creative angel, Yeiazel is a great support for artists, especially those who wish to evolve in the writing world. He watches over publishers and writers, to whom he breathes the right words... If you are in need of inspiration, you now know who to pray to!
What you can ask angel Leiazel
If you are expressing yourself in the world of writing or art and need to develop further, ask your benefactor of Leiazel or Yeiazel. He grants his abilities to reveal your talent to the fullest, furthermore, he is the guardian angel of writers, painters, singers… If you are going through complicated times, your benefactor can accompany you by bringing you his grace and his divine light. In order to help you to get out of complex situations, sometimes difficult, ask for his help. To find the right words for people in need, ask your angel protector. If you call upon him, he will help you to live a more peaceful life and to take care of others.
How do you communicate with him?
Leiazel’s days and regency hours are 16th February, 30th April, 14th July, 26th September and 7th December between 13:00 and 13:20.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Benzoin and Myrrh incense:
Prayer for LeiazelAngel Leiazel, I thank you for comforting me,
When I am grieving, upset or in pain.
After all my efforts, you restore me, revitalize me.
You prevent me from getting lost.
Be present in all challenges and difficult situations.
Free me from negative processes.
Make me be less involved in action.
You grant me a chance to surpass myself,
Make me stronger,
Allow me to succeed in my destiny by accomplishing my work,
Support me, stay by my side.
Amen |
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
Please predict my figure for me l was in 13 October 1973 at Lagos Nigeria thanks.
Alessandra, a year ago