If you were born between July 28 and August 1, your guardian angel is Haaiah, meaning 'hidden God'. 😇 Under the sign of Leo, this male angel is linked to truth, wisdom and discernment. He is a precious help to find the authentic path that corresponds to you. His natives are quite cautious and are reflective beings. They like to compare and weigh the pros and cons, before making their decisions. With his contribution of common sense, Haaiah soothes anxieties and makes you more productive in your daily life. Learn more about his and discover how to contact him.
Did you know that some guardian angels specialize in divine secrets, discretion, and the manifestation of truth? Archangel Haaiah is a celestial guide who helps individuals uncover hidden knowledge, make wise decisions, and achieve success through integrity and discernment.
Haaiah corresponds to the guardian angel of political and influential figures. He leads to keep secrets and important decisions. He is the support of the leaders, whether it is an ambassador, a business leader, a director, a diplomat... Under her, you develop notions of discretion and trust.
Haaiah is often depicted as an angelic figure enveloped in a cloak of shimmering light, with outstretched wings in a protective gesture. His presence is described as both powerful and soothing, exuding an energy that inspires confidence and serenity. As an angel of discretion, he is also associated with wisdom, prudence, and restraint. Individuals who have had experiences with Haaiah often speak of a profound sense of calm and inner peace in his presence. He has the unique ability to soothe troubled minds and offer comfort in times of doubt or confusion. It is also said that he has a deep understanding of human nature and can provide valuable guidance and direction in times of need.
Virtues and Powers:
Justice, Life Mission
Azurite, Diamond, Smoky Quartz, Ruby, Sodalite, Blue Topaz, Zircon
Jupiter and Saturn
Haahiah's inspiring message for his protégés
Ready to feel inspired? ✨
Discover the message 🌟
"Cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world, for it is through exploration that we expand our horizons. Approach life with an open mind and heart, allowing yourself to be guided by curiosity and wonder. Trust that every experience holds the potential for growth and expansion, and embrace the journey of discovery with enthusiasm and joy." 💫.
So, how does this message resonate with you? Take a moment to ponder this question, and if you'd like to explore further talk to a spiritual guide 💫.
The qualities guardian angel Haaiah blesses people born between July 28 - August 1 with
Haaiah is a male angel, symbolizing truth. He helps us find the road towards truthfulness andgives you the ability to effectively manage a coordination with power. Haaiah also makes you well organized. Whether at work or in your home, you know how to plan things and respond effectively. You represent wisdom, thanks to your keen sense of observation, whether you're on a quest for truth or dealing with complex situations. You like to analyze and understand things, before deciding. Likewise, you have the ability to observe divine structures to help you.
Under the angel Haaiah, you develop notions of discretion and trust. This protector gives you the ability to effectively manage coordination with power, whether at work or in your home, you know how to plan things and respond effectively. You represent wisdom, thanks to your keen sense of observation, whether you're on a quest for truth or dealing with complex situations. You like to analyze and understand things before making up your mind. Indeed, Haaiah is the guardian angel who helps you to harmonize your social life.
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The angel Haaiah helps us to bring out the truth in all circumstances and always shows us the right path to follow for our spiritual and personal evolution. So, if you have a decision to make, but are still struggling to make up your mind, don't hesitate to ask him to help you. If you have doubts about the honesty of someone you know, you can ask for his help too. He will not fail to bring down the masks very quickly and help you to open your eyes.
As an angel of justice, righteousness, and honesty, he watches over all people working in the field of law or politics. He helps them to carry out their missions in the best possible way, without distancing them too much from the values of the heart and of the human being. Finally, this angel of light helps us find our truth, the one that is most often hidden under our shadowy areas, under the tumults of the ego, under the false beliefs, or under the appearances... He helps us to know ourselves better, to become aware of the person we are, and thus, to align ourselves with our life mission.
😇 The Guardian Angel Oracle - Choose 3 cards
Take a deep breath and focus. The angels are here to share their wisdom with you through 3 special cards. Let your intuition guide you as you select your 3 cards, and discover their message.
Why summon him?
This guardian angel encourages you to be cautious, to think well and to weigh up the pros and cons when an opportunity presents itself, without displaying apathy. He is summoned by people wanting to become wiser and more able to distinguish right from wrong. He is a counselor who promotes common sense. Thanks to Haaiah, our anguish is alleviated, and we can therefore carry out our business efficiently.
What you can ask angel Haaiah
If you want to consolidate family or friendships, ask Haaiah for help. Likewise, if you want to make the right decisions, weighing the pros and cons, if you want to be sure of yourself before starting a new activity or a new professional orientation, Haaiah will guide you to make the right choices. You will feel more serene and relaxed with his help. Haaiah will also be able to enlighten you during negotiations or when you need him to make a sensible decision. With the help of his discernment and his intelligence, he knows how to bring you the necessary light. If you have a major secret that you do not want to divulge, whether in your family or in your professional environment, call upon Haaiah. He will give you the strength to do so.
How and when to communicate with Haaiah
If Haaiah is your guardian angel, his days and regency hours are 16th April, 29th June, 13th September, 24th November and 3rd February between 08:20 and 08:40.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Storax incense:
Prayer for Haaiah
Look onto me (say your name)
who bows down in your light, Haaiah.
Angel of misery, lend me your hand.
Haaiah!! Haaiah! Save me from my misfortune
for I am in the depths of my heart.
I summon you, Haaiah, for the misfortunes besiege me,
make the judge compassionate, and let the assembly forgive.
Through the wine, the bread and the salt of wisdom
through the intercession of the blessed Jean
In the name of the threefold God
Fulfil and forgive.
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
"Spiritual Content Curator for MyAstroMag -
✨ Guided by spirituality, guardian angels, and the messages in mirror hours, I’ve devoted my life to exploring the divine forces that surround us. Through my work at MyAstroMag, I strive to inspire and uplift others on their own spiritual journeys. ✨"
Thank you so much 💓 for your genuine help and support I love my guardian Angel.Haaiah. ❤️ please 🙏🏾 continue to watch over me in the night 🌙 and Day through my trails and tribulations please find favor in my pain 😢 Amen-Ra
It has no doubt all happened to us at least once in our lives, or for some of us, much more regularly. So, what about you? Can you remember when you last noticed a doubled number, such as; 02:02, 01:01, or even 12:12, when looking at the time on your smartphone, or a clock? Although it may seem insignificant; the fact that these similar numbers, also known as mirror hours, appear with such frequency, does indeed suggest that there are hidden meanings behind them. Discover the messages our Angels are attempting to convey with these times.
Angel numbers are simply signs of alignment. Indeed, when we pay attention to them, they convey divine and spiritual messages from the Universe, that are transmitted by our guardian angels. The spiritual signification of these combinations reassures us that our guides are there for us, and also that we are not alone. Although each number in our list has a slightly different meaning, they are all-powerful reminders that change is possible and that you have what it takes to turn things around for yourself. Let’s discover the meanings, and messages behind the angel numbers, and learn how they could benefit you 😇.
Do you see 555 everywhere? If the answer is yes, then great, because it’s a sign from your Guardian Angel that change is on the way! Indeed, in order for your path to remain positive, you will need to think optimistically and adopt an upbeat attitude. These important changes will bring you the results you desire and will also reveal your life purpose and soul mission. By regularly showing you this number pattern, your angels are urging you to free yourself from your apprehensions and uncertainties. Are you curious how the 555 Angel number meaning will impact you? Discover the associated spiritual message and implication here.
Angel numbers are messages sent from the higher forces, and believe it or not, lots of us encounter these number patterns on a daily basis. It’s now time for you to open yourself up to your destiny and discover what your personal single digit Angel number is with our two methods based on your birthday and the letters of your name. Are you wondering what are yours? Finding out with the Angel number and name calculator technique will ensure you are on the right life path towards greatness and will also unveil an inspiring message.
Although it may seem a little strange and tough to comprehend, we all in fact have an angel who watches over each of us at all times. If you have any problems or doubts, you can turn to your spirit guide and protector in order to make good use of their abilities and capacities. 😇 Find out which archangel is protecting you using your date of birth and discover their attributes. Discovering who watches over you will enrich your path and could even reassure you in your choices.
👼 Have you been frequently seeing the number 1818? This is more than just a coincidence—it’s a divine angel number with a message of encouragement and prosperity. The 1818 angel number signifies abundance, determination, and the manifestation of your goals. In this guide, we’ll dive into its deeper meaning and how it can inspire you to embrace new opportunities.
If you have read the Bible, know a little bit about angels, or have even watched the Netflix series; 'Lucifer', the name Amenadiel may already ring a bell for you. Although, the same probably can’t be said about his backstory and origins, which are somewhat mysterious. We’re here to reveal where we came from, who he is, where he was referenced in the Bible, and why you definitely need to learn all about him 😇.
Do you often see the reversed mirror time 23:32 appear on your phone? If this is the case, beware that chance has nothing to do with it. In fact, if you regularly see this time, your guardian angel is trying to send you a message, and to receive it, you need to be attentive and open-minded. Discover the meaning of this mirror hour and learn how it can impact your path.
Do you often see the reversed mirror hour 04:40 and wonder if it’s just a mere coincidence? It’s time to make sense of what this reversed mirror hour actually means and find out what message is hiding behind it! Time is independent of many events, but it is permanently synchronized with the subconscious. It is important that you know what the reverse time 04:40 means on a few points in order to better understand your reality and your future.
The reverse mirror time 02:20 evokes an important message that your angel is sending you. Whenever you see these numbers on a clock, you should ask yourself what they mean, and consider your situation. Are reversed mirror hours a common sight for you? When glancing at the time, do you often see 02:20? Coming across a reversed mirror hour is not down to chance; there is actually a meaning and message from your guardian angel hidden behind these reversed mirror hours, let's discover it here!
Frequently Asked Questions about Guardian Angel Readings
What are the benefits of connecting with my guardian angel? ▼
Connecting with your guardian angel can provide you with guidance, protection, and a sense of peace. They can help you navigate life's challenges and offer insights into your spiritual journey.
What can I expect during a guardian angel reading? ▼
During a guardian angel reading, the psychic will connect with your guardian angel to convey messages and guidance. You may receive insights about your life path, answers to your questions, and a sense of comfort and reassurance.
Do you offer any introductory offers for new clients? ▼
Yes, we offer $30 when our new customers add $10 to help you get started and experience our services. This allows you to connect with a psychic and get a feel for the reading before committing to a full session.
How should I prepare for a guardian angel reading? ▼
To prepare for a guardian angel reading, find a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Have an open mind and heart, and consider writing down any questions or concerns you have beforehand.
Are the readings confidential? ▼
Yes, all readings are completely confidential. Your privacy is our top priority, and we ensure that your personal information and the details of your reading are kept secure.
Thank you so much 💓 for your genuine help and support I love my guardian Angel.Haaiah. ❤️ please 🙏🏾 continue to watch over me in the night 🌙 and Day through my trails and tribulations please find favor in my pain 😢 Amen-Ra
Rashanda Perkins, a year ago