Why contact Chavaquiah?
You can call on her if you want to be assured and become more enthusiastic. She also teaches you how to handle resources properly. She is particularly useful for establishing harmony and peace, which makes you a good mediator and peacemaker. Guardian angel Chavaquiah helps bring together what is not, you therefore have the power to turn enemies into friends. Thanks to her, your ability to handle resources effectively allows you to carry out long-term projects whilst preserving your strength.

If there is tension within some of your family relationships (children, parents…), call upon Chavaquiah to help you communicate better and come to an understanding.
What you can ask angel Chavakhiah
If you feel the need to improve your relationship with your parents or your children, ask your guardian angel Chavakhiah for guidance. Overall, she brings you her help for better communication and purer harmony. Plus, she helps to resolve quarrels and conflicts within your family. This guardian angel symbolizes this quality which can be expressed in a couple, in relationships, in the family, in the work and in defending one's ideas. More broadly, Chavakhiah symbolizes peace in the world. If she finds solutions to problems of succession, she loves peace and the strengthening of ties, especially when it comes to members of the same family.
How to call Chavaquiah
Chavaquiah’s days and regency hours are 11th February, 25th April, 8th July, 9th July, 21st September and 2nd December between 11:20 and 11:40.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with nutmeg and benzoin incense:
Prayer for Chavaquiah Angel Chavaquiah, allow me to inherit your wisdom, So that I move forward And reconcile with others and myself. Through love for life and respect for you, I agree to live in harmony with those around me, So that I may take action and be fulfilled. Allow me to experience abundance and love for life. Amen |
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
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Kufre Vincent Inneh, a year ago