Yeialel meaning: Angel of peace
The angel Yeialel is a "God who grants all generations". With his great strength and luminous power, this angel carries within him the power to grant all our wishes and desires! The angels like to tease him by comparing him to a hippie who carries a multitude of trinkets as a symbol of peace. If his energetic vibration grows from generation to generation, he still retains his primary mission: to bring peace to the hearts of men! God created him to allow all humans to evolve, grow, learn and move more freely on their life path.
Yeialel is a great help when we stumble, because it is his hand of light that helps us to get up. But we get up by being profoundly different. We assimilate in a short time, thanks to his help, we learn from our mistakes, and we strengthen ourselves in the process. He likes to say that, little by little, we become rocks!
Yeialel and his pentacle

Why call on Yeialel?
You can summon Yeialel during a competition or challenge. He provides you with mental strength and broadens your knowledge. He also protects you from your opponents’ manipulation and distances you from revenge. Your guardian angel allows you to reconnect with the past in order to live better in the present, as well as anticipate the future. When you lose your cool, Yeialel helps you harness your passions and reduce emotional impulses.
Guardian angel Yeialel provides:
- Mental strength
- Control of your emotions
- A great personality
- Bravery and frankness
What is it possible to ask the angel Yeialel?
First and foremost, it is easy to ask your guardian angel, Yeialel, for better concentration skills. Now, if you want him to enlighten you on the path of reason, and you want to use all your intellectual capacities, call on him. Plus, you can also reach out to him for better control, as well as to ask him for assistance in using your reasoning faculties. Lastly, do not hesitate to ask him to develop your mental strength, to better control your emotions, and to help you acquire even more frankness and bravery.
Did you know? 🧐 Yeialel in Kabbalic teachingsYeialel appears prominently in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, associated with the Sefirot of “Hod.” Hod represents splendor and communication—qualities that are mirrored in Yeialel’s vision-focused guidance. Whether you’re tackling personal challenges or professional disputes, Yeialel helps clear the path for effective communication and logical resolution.
A Fun Insight: Some teachings describe angels like Yeialel as cosmic scribes, monitoring and guiding humanity through the passing generations. His influence fosters not only individual growth but also the advancement of collective consciousness, making him one of the most future-oriented forces among guardian angels.
How to call Yeialel
If Yeialel is your guardian angel, his days and regency hours are 6th March, 18th May, 2nd August, 15th October and 26th December between 19:00 and 19:20.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Mastic and Storax incense:
Prayer for YeialelYeialel! Arm my arm, Sir, so that I may act facing the Lord; so that my buildings may serve to house the happiness of humans. Use, Angel Yeialel, my intelligence to serve the true needs of others; don’t let me use it to prove the wisdom of my preconceptions. Make my combat comprise a useful purpose at all times, beneficial to the community in which I belong and to myself, to make my loved ones benefit. Keep me, Angel Yeialel, away from violence; make me always capable of conceding rather than destroying. Keep, Sir, your hand, your protection over me; lead me to fulfillment. Amen!
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
Im so happy i found these good news about my Gurdian Agel, thank you so much for sharing God bless you❤🙏
Diana, a year ago