The qualities guardian angel Lehahiah blesses people born between September 8 - 12 with
As a female angel symbolizing obedience, Lehahiah encourages collaboration, allowing you to work in a trustful, respectful and stable environment. People born under Lehahiah’s protection are usually sociable and surrounded by others; they naturally gravitate towards others and instinctively nurture relationships. Their life is controlled by a need to achieve medals, which are all proudly displayed in their homes. What’s more, they find balance and lead a peaceful life, surrounded by people they consider dear to them.
If you were born under the sign of Lehahiah, you love honest and loyal principles. You develop values of generosity and frankness, which you like to apply as much as to recognize in your entourage. Furthermore, you love honesty and simplicity, with a certain taste for discipline. You work without concern for the professions of order or the State, as a supervisor or policeman.
How can Lehahiah help you in your daily life?
Lehahiah acts to remove your budding feelings of embarrassment, inferiority or superiority. She keeps you away from unwarranted laws, dictatorship or unwarranted power. Plus, she even gives you strength if you lack obedience to authority, by providing all its insight. Lehahiah keeps you away from all people who are not faithful or honest with yourself. Your guardian angel detaches you from competition, conflicts with your superiors, rebellion, misunderstandings, emotionalism or anger. It acts against the revolt of laws or changes.
Lehahiah’s pentacle
Why contact Lehahiah; your guardian angel?
Your guardian angel allows you to combat laziness and thus act quickly in all that you do. The trust you instill in those above you grants you job security and social recognition. Lehahiah gives you the gift of perseverance and patience, perfect for accomplishing a task with ease. Summoning Lehahiah allows you to become faithful, respectful and want to carry out jobs to the best of your ability.
If you are experiencing conflicts in what you do and struggle to understand orders or refuse to obey them, call upon Lehahiah; she will help you find balance and improve your hierarchical relationships.
What you can ask angel Lehahiah
If you have difficulty understanding orders and obeying, call on Lehahiah for assistance. For any life in crime, the guardian angel Lehahiah helps to get out of that complicated impasse and never come back. Furthermore, if you need more focus and motivation to complete your projects, Lehahiah brings his strength and knowledge. She helps you to love your work and to give you the motivation to enjoy what you do. Plus, she brings you her reliability, her respect and her taste for undertaking to enjoy your missions at work and to fully blossom.
How to call Lehahiah
Lehahiah’s days and regency hours are 10th February, 24th April, 7th July, 20th September and 1st December between 11:00 and 11:20.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with nutmeg and storax incense:
Prayer for LehahiahAngel Lehahiah, make me your right-hand man. Instil in me obedience And tranquil strength in all the situations that I face. Help me to control my emotions and utilize my strengths. Allow me to be uplifted. Lead me towards new horizons. Free me from fear and solitude. Allow me to progress like you, Through love for life and my neighbor. Amen |
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
I feel lehahiah is my angel, but I'm born 16th December. Can this happen?
Stephanie, 4 months ago