Why call on guardian angel Lauvuel?
Communicating with Lauvuel (or Lauviah, his other name) allows you to develop your intuition and heal faster. He is also a guardian angel who promotes love for life, offering you peace and serenity to allow you to come to terms with personal difficulties you have gone through. Lauvuel also ensures that those he protects are generous and compassionate.
Guardian angel Lauvuel provides:
- Success in what you do
- Expertise in a given field
- Trust, positivity and happiness
- The power to avoid failure and recover quickly
- Protection against negative energy
What is it possible to ask Lauvuel for?
If you want to be a little more outgoing and cultivate your relationships, call upon the guardian angel Lauvuel. If you want protection in the face of great upheaval or natural cataclysms, call upon her divine strength. For even greater wisdom and confidence, Lauvuel will cultivate the beauty of your soul. He will make you benefit from his divine light to better share it with your loved ones. Furthermore, ask him also to better perceive and understand the divine love present in the universe, to go beyond the classical perceptions. He will bring you his cosmic knowledge to better understand the functioning and explain it easily.
How do you communicate with him?
His days and regency hours are 31st March, 13th June, 28th August, 8th November and 19th January between 03:20 and 03:40.
To communicate with your guardian angel, say this prayer with Benzoin incense:
Prayer for LauvuelLauvuel! Allow, Sir, the contents of my unconscious to harmoniously form part of my thoughts. Make the gloomy days of my past become light, so that no prior torment comes to darken my present actions. Place, angel Lauvuel, your light in the darkness of my emotions, so that I may turn the dark conglomerate of the past into a positive piece of work. Inspire me, Lauvuel, so that all those who feel an affinity with me, find in my work the path allowing them to escape the labyrinth of emotions. Make me, Sir, a bridge between thought and desire, to unite them and thus succeed in the great work of the world. Amen!
Your guardian angel may try to get in contact with you through Angel numbers, don’t wait to find out. Learn everything about the influence of guardian angels.
* Literature Source: Angel Numbers 101, Author; Doreen Virtue, Published in 2008 and available here:
Hi I've just found out that my angel is called Lauvuel thanks to you
James wheatley, a year ago