Leo Compatibility: What Is A Good Match For Leo?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Leo is ambitious, but above all very dominating. The authoritarian side of these natives coupled with their oversized ego can turn certain people off, but this sign is, nevertheless, faithful, loyal and very generous. Leo's best shot in love is with an Aries or a Pisces by their side. What about you, are you compatible with a Leo? Whether we like it or not, not all of us go together in love. Some zodiac signs are made to love and some aren't. Test your love compatibility here and discover your perfect partner.

Leo Compatibility: What Is A Good Match For Leo?
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Born between July 23rd and August 22nd, the Leo is a Fire sign. Its planet, the Sun, blesses this sign with generosity, kindness and goodwill. To learn more about this sign, read up on the astrological portrait of Leo. These natives always keep their word and rarely goes back on their decisions. Behind their enterprising and sometimes authoritarian personality, lies a good and generous person whose ambition will always be in the direction of justice.

Are you a Leo and want to know which zodiac signs you are compatible with? Charismatic and elegant, you attract people at first glance, but beware, your authoritarian side can scare off the more sensitive horoscope signs.

- Read Leo horoscope 2024 and discover your predictions -

Who is most compatible with Leo?

♥ ♥ ♥ Leo - Aries: This couple will form a fiery duo

💔 Leo - Virgo: They are both too demanding!

Faithful, loyal and generous, you seem to be the perfect partner, only not everyone is willing to put up with your need for attention! You need to find someone who understands you, accepts you, and who is ready to share in your love of life and passion with you.

What is a good match for Leo?

Aries will be charmed by Leo's generosity, while Leo will be fascinated by Aries' sincerity. Love at first sight between these two zodiac signs is almost inevitable. These two natives are driven by the same passion, these two fire signs will want to unite... quickly! They'll need to learn to temper their ardors so that the relationship blossoms smoothly. For this union to be a success, these two signs will have to learn to let go of their competitive, combative spirit. That way, it's the couple that comes out on top, not the individual!

What is Leo’s worst match?

Of course, Leo is the king of the jungle. When dominant signs get in the way, that's when trouble can break out. For Leo, you have to share their opinions or contribute to their success in some way. If there is friction at this level, debates and arguments are likely to ensue. These natives may perceive Aquarius and Scorpios as competitors, and may even find Taurus a little slow and materialistic.

- Find out how to attract a Leo man thanks to our top tips and read the Leo daily horoscope too. -

Dear Leo friends, click on your crush's zodiac sign to discover whether you are compatible.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

I meet an Aquarius man recently, divorce for 5 yrs, eager to move forward and burry his past. He's opening his feelings, Do we have a future together. Can we bring it to the next level. Thank you

Marion 10 months ago

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