What Does Each Planet Influence And Represent Symbolically?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Astrology allows us to predict future events by focusing on the planetary positions in the solar system. People often assume that horoscope predictions are as simple as saying Geminis are fickle or Aries is angry, but, in reality, things are much more complex and precise. In actual fact, the planets position in our birth charts influence everything in our lives, from our horoscope predictions, luck and compatibility. So, without further ado, here’s a little overview on the impact of each of them and what they represent.

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When people typically hear the word astrology, the first thought is often about planets and how they orbit the sun. In short, your natal chart, is like a photograph of the planets at the time of your birth. By closely following the placement of stars and studying their interactions, we can determine two things; the way you perceive yourself and how you approach life. Each planet is in continuous movement and by closely following where they pass through each sign and house at the time of birth, astrologers are capable of making accurate predictions in our birth charts. 

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The 10 planets and what they represent

  • The Sun represents self-image, the spirit of the individual and their basic personality.

  • The Moon represents our sex lives, emotions and needs.

  • Mercury stands for communication, intellectual faculties and personal expression.

  • Venus englobes love, desires, beauty.

  • Mars is the planet of action, energy and sexuality

  • Jupiter represents success, well-being, extroversion and luck.

  • Saturn is the brakes, the restrictions, the sanctions, the structures and the limits.

  • Uranus embodies independence, the need for freedom and action.

  • Neptune is the embodiment of faith, spirituality and illusion.

  • Pluto: It's power, the unconscious and hidden riches.

The Influence of the “Fast” Planets:

The Sun, our solar star, is at the center of our universe. Our zodiac sign, also known as a solar or sun sign, is a reflection of the position of the son the day we were born. Orbiting the sun we have 7 ruling planets (omitting earth), which can be broken down into two categories.

First, we have the “personal” planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. These 3 all rotate around the Sun more often than those that are situated further away. Mercury influences communication and expression.

  • Mercury influences communication and expression
  • Venus is associated with creativity, beauty, and love
  • Mars dominates action, masculinity, and authoritarianism

Characteristics of the “Slow” Planets

Past Mars, we find the those that are transpersonal or “slow” planets. These move at a much slower pace than the personal planets. Their influence will also manifest over many generations.

Among the slow planets, we find:

  • Jupiter, who symbolizes luck, enthusiasm, and opportunity
  • Saturn, who represents restrictions, limits, and responsibilities
  • Uranus, who’s associated with sudden change, the unexpected, and instability
  • Neptune, who’s linked with dreams, psychic abilities, creativity, and the metaphysical
  • Pluto, who brings about extreme disruption

These planets have each been historically associated with a certain set of characteristics, so their presence at your time of birth influences the way that these characteristics play a role in your life. As the fast ones orbit the sun and moon more frequently, they are associated with mood, habits and routine. The slow ones, on the other hand, will only orbit around the sun a couple of times during a typical human lifetime, so their presence usually holds a much greater significance.

>>> If you'd like to learn more about this fascinating subject, read up on the planets in retrograde.

Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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