2025 Chinese Horoscope: The Year of the Wood Snake

Last updated by Susan Taylor

On Wednesday, January 29, 2025, the date of Chinese New Year, we will enter the era of the Wood Snake, a calmer year that calls for wisdom and reflection. This will be quite a change from the more turbulent Year of the Dragon. So, without further ado, discover your Chinese horoscope 2025 and find out what awaits you 🐍.

2025 Chinese Horoscope: The Year of the Wood Snake

🐍 Your 2025 Chinese Horoscope - Year Of The Wood Snake

























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🏮 Chinese New Year: A major celebration

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important event on the Chinese calendar. Celebrated by millions of people worldwide, it marks the beginning of a new lunar year.

Each year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, each bringing its own characteristics and influences.

The festivities usually last for fifteen days, culminating in the Lantern Festival. During this period, families gather for lavish meals, exchange red envelopes filled with money as a symbol of good luck, and participate in colorful parades featuring lion and dragon dances. These traditions aim to ward off evil spirits and attract luck, prosperity, and happiness for the coming year.

Chinese New Year celebrations

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🐍 What year is 2025 in the Chinese zodiac?: It's the year of the Wood Snake

The year 2025 in the Chinese zodiac is dedicated to the Wood Snake, starting on January 29, 2025, and ending on February 16, 2026. The Snake is a symbol of wisdom, transformation, and elegance, and paired with the Wood element, it brings growth, creativity, and flexibility. Expect 2025 to be a year of introspection and innovation.

✨ Key Traits of the Year of the Wood Snake

  • 🌀 Wisdom & Introspection: A year for learning and self-discovery.
  • 🌱 Growth through Creativity: Wood symbolizes adaptability, encouraging innovation.
  • 🔍 Hidden Truths Unveiled: Snakes reveal secrets, urging clarity and resolution.
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🐍 What does the Year of the Wood Snake have in store? Slowing down

The year 2025 will be under the influence of the Wood Snake, a combination that promises a time filled with wisdom and creativity. The Snake, guardian of ancient secrets, brings introspective and visionary energy—perfect for those looking to deepen their self-awareness and explore new paths.

Wood, an element associated with growth and flexibility, enhances this dynamic by encouraging innovation and adaptability. Expect a year full of surprises and opportunities, with a focus on fashion, beauty, and personal development. However, be mindful of unspoken truths and unresolved mysteries, as the Snake has a way of slipping in where you least expect it. The elements of Chinese zodiac signs: What influence do they have?

Chinese horoscope 2025 - Click on your sign for your astrology predictions ⬇️

Chinese sign:

Your birth year:
Some minor troubles will punctuate your year, but you'll quickly overcome them by staying positive about your future and working hard.
👉 Check out the Ox horoscope 2025
Nothing but happiness for the delicate Goat! You'll revel in this bohemian period that highlights the arts and artists.
👉 Check out the Goat horoscope 2025
A fantastic period for the Rat. You'll make good deals and display ingenuity to make yourself appreciated.
👉 Check out the Rat horoscope 2025
Fate's whims will be in your favor, and numerous professional and romantic opportunities will present themselves throughout the year.
👉 Check out the Snake horoscope 2025

An enchanting year for the charismatic Dragon. All signals will be green, and luck will surround you.
👉 Discover the Dragon horoscope 2025
You'll love this year full of splendor, joy, and flair, especially as luck will be on your side, and so will love.
👉 Discover the Tiger horoscope 2025
Success will be on the agenda, and the outgoing atmosphere of the year will amuse you for a while, but you'll prefer the coziness of your home.
👉 Check out the Rabbit horoscope 2025
The period will be rather pleasant on the creative and social fronts. You'll be galvanized by the prevailing dynamism, and the desire to show off will be great.
👉 Discover the Horse horoscope 2025
1944-1956-1968-1980 1992- 2004-2016-2028
You'll be in the front row for an exciting and delightful year marked by novelty and change.
👉 Discover the Monkey horoscope 2025
A year under the sign of love and seduction. Seize the opportunity to envision the future with serenity and tie the knot.
👉 Discover the Rooster horoscope 2025
An apprehensive wind will threaten your peace of mind. You'll follow your instincts and focus on your private life.
👉 Discover the Dog horoscope 2025
Set your sights on conviviality and authenticity. You'll invest in family life, dinners with friends, and entertaining outings.
👉 Discover the Pig horoscope 2025

Chinese New Year

📍 Interesting fact:
The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, based on both the annual cycle of the Sun and the regular cycle of the phases of the Moon. The date of Chinese New Year varies each year between January 21 and February 19, occurring during the 2nd New Moon after the winter solstice, when the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius.

🥠 Who are the luckiest Chinese zodiac signs in 2025?

In 2025, the Year of the Wood Snake will particularly favor the Snake, Dragon, and Horse.

  • For the Snake, a fabulous year is on the horizon. As the sign of the year, the Snake will enjoy exceptional luck, both personally and professionally. Love will be in the air, and professional opportunities will align perfectly, offering a period of growth and success.
  • The Dragon will also see great opportunities unfold. Creativity will be at its peak, allowing the Dragon to shine in its projects. Finances will flourish, and the Dragon’s heart will ignite, promising a year full of passion and achievement.
  • As for the Horse, it will gallop toward success. Whether in love or at work, the Horse will excel thanks to its energy and determination. However, it will need to learn to temper its enthusiasm to fully enjoy the successes that lie ahead.

👉 The 3 Luckiest Signs in the Year of the Snake

The luckiest Chinese zodiac signs

💡 Practical tips for thriving in the Year of the Wood Snake

Embrace Change: The Snake’s energy is transformative. Use this year to shed old habits and embrace personal growth.
Focus on Inner Wisdom: Take time to meditate, journal, or engage in self-reflection to tap into the Snake’s introspective nature.
Strengthen Relationships: The Snake values deep connections. Build trust and nurture meaningful relationships in your personal and professional life.
Stay Adaptable: With Wood as the element, flexibility and innovation will lead to success. Be open to new opportunities and creative solutions.

2025: The Year of the Snake, and what’s next?

Which signs will represent the upcoming years? Next year, it’s the Dragon’s turn!

February 10, 2024 - January 28, 2025
January 29, 2025 - February 16, 2026
February 17, 2026 - February 5, 2027
February 6, 2027 - January 25, 2028
January 26, 2028 - February 12, 2029
February 13, 2029 - February 2, 2030

🌟 Famous people born in the Year of the Snake

Were you born in the Year of the Snake? You share this zodiac sign with some truly remarkable individuals:

  • J.K. Rowling: The author of the Harry Potter series, known for her creativity and storytelling genius.
  • Bob Dylan: A legendary musician and poet, embodying the Snake’s depth and wisdom.
  • Audrey Hepburn: An iconic actress and humanitarian, representing the Snake’s elegance and charm.
  • Mahatma Gandhi: A leader and visionary, reflecting the introspective and transformative nature of the Snake.
These individuals demonstrate the Snake’s potential for creativity, resilience, and profound impact on the world.

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What is my Chinese zodiac sign?

If you don't know your sign, don't panic, just find your birth year in our tables below, and we'll enlighten you.

If you were born between 1924 - 1960

Between 1924 - 1936
Between 1937 - 1948
Between 1948 - 1960
05/02/1924 - 24/01/1925
24/01/1936 - 10/02/1937
10/02/1948 - 28/01/1949
25/01/1925 - 10/01/1926
11/01/1937 - 30/01/1938
29/01/1949 - 16/02/1950
13/02/1926 - 01/02/1927
31/01/1938 - 18/02/1939
17/02/1950 - 05/02/1951
02/02/1927 - 22/01/1928
19/02/1939 - 07/02/1940
06/02/1951 - 26/01/1952
23/01/1928 - 09/02/2029
08/02/1940 - 26/01/1941
27/01/1952 - 13/02/1953
10/02/2029 - 29/01/1930
27/01/1941 - 14/02/1942
14/02/1953 - 02/02/1954
30/01/1930 - 16/02/1931
15/02/1942 - 04/02/1943
03/02/1954 - 23/01/1955
17/02/1931 - 05/02/1932
05/02/1943 - 24/01/1944
 24/01/1955 - 11/02/1956
06/02/1932 - 25/01/1933
25/01/1944 - 12/02/1945
12/02/1956 - 30/01/1957
26/01/1933 - 13/02/1934
13/02/1945 - 01/02/1946
31/01/1957 - 17/02/1958
14/02/1934 - 03/02/1935
02/02/1946 - 21/01/1947
18/02/1958 - 07/02/1959
04/02/1935 - 23/01/1936
22/01/1947 - 09/02/1948
08/02/1959 - 27/01/1960

If you were born between 1960 - 1984

Between 1960 - 1972
Between 1972 - 1984
28/01/1960 - 14/02/1961
15/02/1972 - 02/02/1973
15/02/1961 - 04/02/1962
03/02/1973 - 22/01/1974
05/02/1962 - 24/01/1963
 23/01/1974 - 10/02/1975
25/01/1963 - 12/02/1964
11/01/1975 - 30/01/1976
13/02/1964 - 01/02/1965
31/01/1976 - 17/02/1977
02/02/1965 - 20/01/1966
18/02/1977 -  06/02/1978
21/01/1966 - 08/02/1967
07/02/1978 - 27/01/1979
09/02/1967 - 29/01/1968
28/01/1979 - 15/02/1980
30/01/1968 - 16/02/1969
16/02/1980 - 04/02/1981
17/02/1969 - 05/02/1970
05/02/1981 - 24/01/1982
06/02/1970 - 26/01/1971
25/01/1982 - 12/02/1983
27/01/1971 - 14/02/1972
13/02/1983 - 01/02/1984

If you were born after 1984

Between 1984 - 1996
Between 1996 - 2008
Between 2008 - 2020
02/02/1984 - 19/02/1985
19/02/1996 - 06/02/1997
07/02/2008 - 25/01/2009
20/02/1985 - 08/02/1986
 07/02/1997 - 27/01/1998
26/01/2009 - 13/02/2010
09/02/1986 - 28/01/1987
28/01/1998 - 15/02/1999
14/02/2010 - 02/02/2011
29/01/1987 - 16/02/1988
16/02/1999 - 04/02/2000
03/02/2011 - 22/01/2012
 17/02/1988 - 05/02/1989
05/02/2000 - 23/01/2001
23/01/2012 - 09/02/2013
06/02/1989 - 26/01/1990
24/01/2001 - 11/02/2002
10/02/2013 - 30/01/2014
 27/01/1990 - 14/02/1991
12/02/2002 - 31/01/2003
31/01/2014 - 18/02/2015
15/02/1991 - 03/02/1992
01/02/2003 - 21/01/2004
19/02/2015 - 07/02/2016
 04/02/1992 - 22/01/1993
 22/01/2004 - 08/02/2005
08/02/2016 - 27/01/2017
23/01/1993 - 09/02/1994
09/02/2005 - 28/01/2006
28/01/2017 - 15/02/2018
 10/02/1994 - 30/01/1995
29/01/2006 - 17/02/2007
16/02/2018 - 04/02/2019
31/01/1995 - 18/02/1996
 18/02/2007 - 06/02/2008
05/02/2019 - 24/01/2020

Susan Taylor’s message: Make the most of this year!

The Chinese horoscope is an ancient practice that, through the analysis of lunar cycles and zodiac signs, allows discerning the energetic influences during a specific year. It is a compass that provides personalized information and, more importantly, offers the tools to foresee challenges and respond to life's unexpected twists and turns. For more detailed, more refined predictions, do not hesitate to ask our astrologers all your doubts, they will enlighten your future with gentleness and kindness.

- The future is mine -

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Article presented by
Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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Hi i want to know more this year 2022 since this is my year now year of the tiger. Born January 2 1974

Nedy B. Dacles, 3 years ago

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