Is Sagittarius And Scorpio A Good Match?: This Is A Chaotic Match

Last updated by Susan Taylor

These natives have a lot to teach each other and could help one another go on to achieve their life goals. However, Scorpio is often a little too full on for the fickle and laid-back Sagittarius, and this could lead to some huge disputes and disagreements. On a practical level, Scorpio has a definite sense of thrift, while Sagittarius will tend to waste freshly acquired money! Although, this relationship can work if both partners are willing to modulate their mutual flaws. This combination may resemble a relationship of equals because this is someone that Scorpio struggles to tame. Read on for more details on the Sagittarius and Scorpio compatibility and discover their love score.

Is Sagittarius And Scorpio A Good Match?: This Is A Chaotic Match

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"Sagittarius and Scorpio are toxic together." 

Sagittarius and Scorpio compatibility score: 1/5

Scorpio personality is known for their pessimism and having anti-establishment ways. On the other hand, Sagittarius is happy to be alive, optimistic, and respects the conventions set out by society. Here we have two polar-opposites, but their different characters could work well together professionally and get the results required. At work, Scorpio will ask the difficult questions and Sagittarius will invest the positive energy needed into projects. As long as they don’t try and compete with each other, this working team should do just fine. A relationship with these two would be more difficult and should these two come to some sort of sexual understanding, it can be like fireworks.

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Why is Sagittarius attracted to Scorpio?

This duo should opt for a working relationship rather than a romantic one. Sagittarius finds Scorpio depressing and anxious, while Scorpio finds Sagittarius average and superficial, which means there’s not much hope here. Sagittarius brings Scorpio the optimism they need to move forward along their path and encourages them to ask the right questions. This is not a couple that will be totally calm, however with them, the passion is often just around the corner.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Sagittarius -

What could bring this couple down?

As passionate, possessive and jealous beings, their relationship will be perpetually punctuated with ups and downs. They will therefore have to learn to manage their moods if they want their relationship to last! The truth is, they are not well-matched. It is likely that Sagittarius will find it difficult to share life with a Scorpio, whom they find too much of a killjoy and too anxious. The Scorpio will also find it difficult to put up with this superficial socialite who struggles to understand their anxieties and torments.

Sagittarius and Scorpio in bed

This pair is in tune, in good times and bad! Their sexual chemistry is very strong and is often what makes them hold together. For them, it is always fireworks because they are prepared to do anything and everything.

Love advice for this pair

Opt for a professional relationship rather than romance. Their personalities will require them to tune their violins. If for Sagittarius, passion in love is liberating, for Scorpio it is most often destructive. Ouch! How to go in the same direction in these conditions?

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

I’m a Sagittarius man who has met a beautiful Scorpio woman. She is my boss and we work well together because I want to help her make her job as manager of the store the best. I have her attention which I thought would be impossible. I want a relationship with her because she is interesting to get to know and I won’t give up until she tells me it’s over. She is 52 and I am 68

Warren 3 years ago

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