Has your partner's behavior got you worrying that they're hiding something? Do they stay glued to their phone all night? Do they come home much later than usual? Are they shady about who they were with? These scenarios may seem insignificant, but trust us, there's no smoke without fire... In love, certain signs of the zodiac are more tempted to play away than others! Before launching yourself into a relationship, which we hope will be eternal and happy, be sure to turn to astrology because it can help you become aware of whom you should never trust in love ⚠️.
- Read your 2025 horoscope predictions for more insights -
The most unfaithful zodiac sign man is Sagittarius
When it comes to being cheating, Sagittarius personality is the most likely sign to be unfaithful in a relationship and has problems taking commitment seriously... As a great wanderer, these natives struggle to settle down, which explains why they always believe the grass is greener elsewhere.
Most unfaithful zodiac sign woman - Sagittarius again
On the first step of the podium (and what a podium!), Sagittarius. This sign is without a doubt the most unfaithful sign amongst women. The native of this sign has a frank nature and a very open mind (too much?). They hate monotony, so when a new adventure comes along, they find it hard to resist. In order for the loved one to remain faithful for years, it is necessary to be very compatible with him/her and to be able to break the daily routine.
What sign doesn't cheat? - Capricorn is the most faithful sign
Capricorn indeed stands out as the faithful of the faithful 🤗. Individuals born under this sign have a reputation for being amongst the most honest in the zodiac. This Earth sign is rather introverted by nature and reveals very little about their feelings. It will take them a little more time to fall in love compared to Pisces or Aries. However, once in a relationship, there is no question of betraying their partner for Capricorn. When Capricorn commits, it is for life, even if it makes them unhappy.
Ranking from the most unfaithful zodiac sign to the most faithful
Cheating is a horrible experience to have to go through, although even the sweetest and seemingly 'most faithful' people can risk having their heads turned. Cheating can happen even in the most loving relationships, but astrology can provide insights into which zodiac signs are more likely to be unfaithful and which are the most loyal. Use this table to explore how the stars influence loyalty and romantic behavior!
Zodiac Sign | Reason for Unfaithfulness | Likelihood of Cheating |
1) Sagittarius | They struggle with commitment and easily get bored. | 16% |
2) Aquarius | Their emotional detachment makes them struggle with long-term relationships. | 15% |
3) Gemini | They seek excitement and can be easily distracted by new connections. | 13% |
4) Scorpio | They cheat when they feel emotionally insecure or betrayed. | 11% |
5) Aries | They value their freedom and may stray when feeling restricted. | 9% |
6) Cancer | They can become too needy and turn elsewhere if unfulfilled. | 8% |
7) Taurus | They crave control, but occasionally fall for temptation. | 7% |
8) Libra | They often prioritize connection over commitment. | 5% |
9) Leo | Their need for attention and admiration can lead to temptation. | 4% |
10) Virgo | They can be overly picky but typically value loyalty. | 4% |
11) Pisces | They may be easily influenced, but are naturally loyal at heart. | 4% |
12) Capricorn | Deeply committed and loyal to their partner. | 3% |
The percentages are based on characteristic personality traits and tendencies typically associated with each zodiac sign.
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True for Taurus
An Aquarius, 3 years ago