As the saying goes, our friends are the family we choose, which explains why they play such an integral part of our lives. It's fair to say they help us to move forward, grow and always manage to put a smile on our faces when we are feeling down. The stars impact every part of our lives, including what kind of zodiac sign ex we make and even if we are marriage material. But, what about our platonic relationships; how are they influenced?
What kind of friend are you, according to your zodiac sign?
Being surrounded by people who just seem to get you and never judge you is a truly amazing feeling. But that said, we don't all, metaphorically speaking, bring the same things to the party. Some signs are always the center of attention, others are rather reserved. Some prefer a huge circle of friends, others opt for a few strong relationships... It all depends on our sun sign! Without further ado, discover your friendship compatibility and who you should be best pals with.
Which zodiac signs have a lot of friends?
Here, the three Earth signs are at the top of this ranking: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn can proudly boast about having the most friends. And for good reason, these signs are loyal and faithful, and they take their relationships (love or friendship) very seriously. When they commit themselves, it is for the long term! They will always be there for their pals and defend their interests at all costs.
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