Are Sagittarius And Virgo Soulmates?: ♥ They Form A Traditional Couple

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Virgo lives to be useful, and is a bit of a control-freak on the edges. However, Sagittarius lives to understand, and likes to live off the back of experiences. Virgo will quickly become irritated by what they consider to be the irresponsible conduct of Sagittarius. That said, they come together around a shared curiosity, a desire to learn and to study well beyond the school years. This union will be a meeting of good humor and calm. Essentially, this will be a relationship in which both will give primacy to freedom. However, their downfall will be their need to control things. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Are Sagittarius And Virgo Soulmates?: ♥ They Form A Traditional Couple

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"Sagittarius and Virgo have a lot of work ahead of them." 

Sagittarius and Virgo compatibility score: 2/5

Virgo personality and Sagittarius come together in their conventional and traditional values. They both need security and comfort. Sagittarius loves playing the protector in this match, and Virgo adores taking care of Sagittarius. Sagittarius people are fun and lighthearted, and their easygoing personalities will teach Virgo to relax a little more. Virgo’s organized and structured personality will help Sagittarius lead a calmer life. This duo will be a real success professionally.

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Could Sagittarius and Virgo have a successful relationship?

This duo has lots of potential and their union will succeed when Virgo lets go of the control, especially when it comes to Sagittarius’ partying and social life. If Virgo can drop their guard and forget about their possessive side, then this couple can look forward to an exciting future. Within a couple, they can really count on each other. Sagittarius is a good-natured and funny person who will allow Virgo to open up a bit. As for Virgo, they will give Sagittarius the opportunity to rely on them, by managing the organization of their personal life with a masterful hand.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Sagittarius -

What could bring this couple down?

Sagittarius will find Virgo too timid, too manic, too critical, and for this relationship to last, Sagittarius will need Virgo to set aside some traits, just as they will need to curb your ardor or impulsiveness. The problem is, this pair doesn't evolve at the same pace, they don't have the same ideas, but if they manage to find common ground and create a certain complicity, their relationship can work. Within a couple, they can really count on each other. Trust and jealousy issues will always be in the background of this couple. Virgo will always feel a twinge of sadness when Sagittarius leaves for the many parties and other appointments that clog up their schedule. Between misunderstandings and frustrations, tensions are likely to arise.

Sagittarius and Virgo in bed?

Sagittarius is hot as hell, whereas, Virgo is pretty lukewarm, meaning you won't find it a healthy balance. Virgo often has trouble letting go, whereas Sagittarius may find it hard to understand if they are really burning with desire for them. However, once all the questions are put aside, they don't need help finding their pleasure together.

Love advice for this pair

To make their union successful, Virgo will have to agree to accompany their partner more often instead of moping around at home. If Sagittarius is not left out, they will also have to find time to give more attention and time to their other half.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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