Is Sagittarius Soulmates With Gemini?: ♥ They Make A Happy Couple

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Whether these two give each other headaches or rejoice in their verbal jousting matches remains to be seen… An association full of similarities, they both have a contagious sense of humor, are extroverted, sociable, curious, and troublemakers at heart. The weakness of this duo is that they are so in need of stimuli that if they are momentarily out of inspiration, one of them will throw in the towel in order to pursue a new adventure! This can be a very harmonious combination of air and fire. These two will complement each other; while Gemini dreams and travels to distant places, Sagittarius tries to make these dreams a reality. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Is Sagittarius Soulmates With Gemini?: ♥ They Make A Happy Couple

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"Sagittarius and Gemini have a good shot." 

Sagittarius and Gemini compatibility score: 3/5

These two outgoing zodiac signs have what it takes to make a happy couple and see the world. Sagittarius and Gemini personality share a strong optimism and both love adventuring, travelling and intellectual discussion. They don’t hesitate to change with the times and are very adaptable; the prospect of moving far away doesn’t even scare them! Gemini is witty and practiced in their communication, while Sagittarius doesn’t make that great of an orator. They can both shine in debates using apt argumentation and have a flair for discussion. The sad thing about this match is they’re both tempted to go elsewhere for love…be cautious!

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Is Sagittarius and Gemini a good match?

Sagittarius and Gemini have great potential, but that’s not to say their relationship will work with no effort. The only thing that could bring this couple down and ruin their compatibility is their lack of commitment and faithfulness. This match should get along quite well since they complement each other, although they don't have the same way of communicating and seeing things. In any case, their relationship has its chance! Together, they are never bored, they like to discuss things, exchange and enrich themselves… Other people often like to share time with them, meaning they have a great social life together.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Sagittarius -

What could bring this couple down?

The first thing this duo will have to learn to do is COMMUNICATE and yes, for them everything starts from there! Their relationship, although complementary, is often a permanent danger. Loyalty is not a strong point for either of them, and both of them are often tempted to go elsewhere. That's right, cheating will put an end to their story.

Are Sagittarius and Gemini good in bed?

The passion can take a long time to ignite and then go out like that for no reason. Thus, we bet on many ups and downs, dependence and absence. Their sex life is punctuated with daring caresses and surprising experiences. In bed, nothing stops them, and they always like to learn.

Love advice for this pair

Be open with each other and lay your cards on the table. Their life is exciting, made of success and discoveries, but they often lack time for each other. It is difficult to find a balance and to build together.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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