Is Sagittarius And Cancer A Good Match?: ♥ No, This Duo Is Doomed

Last updated by Susan Taylor

It's not easy for this pair to understand each other, with Cancer being so sensitive and Sagittarius at times being totally insensitive! Now, if in all candor, Sagittarius declares with their legendary frankness what they think of Cancer's moods and fears, Cancer will immediately curl up in their shell and run away. We predict many frustrations on the horizon for this unfortunate duo. In the beginning, this commitment is more about convention than a true passion between them. Cancers love to travel and will find ideal companions in Sagittarius. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Is Sagittarius And Cancer A Good Match?: ♥ No, This Duo Is Doomed

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"Sagittarius and Cancer will have to make lots of sacrifices." 

Sagittarius and Cancer compatibility score: 1/5

It’s hard to find a balance within this match, since the Cancer personality is more closed-off from having a social life than the very sociable Sagittarius. On the positive side of things, however, Sagittarius will try to protect Cancer in all circumstances and will do anything to make them happy. Cancer is proud to walk with Sagittarius on their arm and loves showing them off. The problem between the two partners is their character differences. Sagittarius can lose patience with a jealous, solitary Cancer, yet the position of the planets at the time can change everything.

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Are Sagittarius and Cancer soulmates?

Sagittarius and Cancer have so much to offer and teach each other, although jealousy could destroy this couple and wreck their relationship. Cancer will offer Sagittarius the homely feeling they crave, and Sagittarius will bring a sense of adventure into Cancer’s life. It's a complex relationship that nevertheless can work perfectly well if Cancer knows how to put aside his fears. This relationship is a mixture of tension, fusion, tenderness, candor and the unexpected! These two signs with such different characters still manage to complement each other. Sagittarius protects and brings a lot of joie de vivre and good humor to Cancer, and Cancer offers their kindness.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Sagittarius -

What could bring this couple down?

Sagittarius will tend to judge Cancer a little too passive and fearful, whereas you are sometimes impulsive, irrational, always willing. For it to work, they will have to make many concessions. Their main problem lies in their great difference in character. When one prefers the soft comfort of their home, the other is always ready for adventure and discovery. In this case, will Cancer appreciate that Sagittarius is out so much, and won't Sagittarius eventually lose patience if Cancer is jealous?

What are Sagittarius and Cancer like in bed?

If there is attraction, if there is no lack of sensuality and desire, it may remain in the state of unashamed fantasies, especially for Cancer. The fantasies of this couple are numerous, and it is not rare that they use sex to prove their affection.

Love advice for this pair

For this couple, communication will be essential. Between Sagittarius who acts before thinking and Cancer who is often lost in their daydreams, the current may not pass for long if they do not say what is on their minds.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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