Gemini and Taurus compatibility: ♥ Total Opposites

Last updated by Susan Taylor

This is more a game of cat and mouse rather than two people creating the foundations for a relationship. This pair is very playful together, yet will never truly communicate their feelings, which will eventually hold them back in love. Although these natives have different visions of love, they appear to be complementary. Discover this Gemini and Taurus' compatibility score and whether they have what it takes to fall in love.

Gemini and Taurus compatibility: ♥ Total Opposites

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Gemini and Taurus compatibility score: 1/5

A match that isn’t a winner, but one that isn’t catastrophic either. Taurus personality is stuck in their ways, not very talkative, while Gemini personality is all over the place, very talkative and hyperactive. Therefore, this love match has some serious work to do if they are to go the distance. Gemini doesn’t yet know what they want, while a Taurus is sure of it. Taurus likes that Gemini keeps things light, while Gemini like Taurus’ kindness and calming presence. Taurus needs to try and let their guard down and trust Gemini if this match is to be a success.

Despite the difference in nature, these two signs are able to get along: build love, start a family and children, work efficiently. They can complement each other with qualities they both lack. For example, Taurus natives calculate and are therefore able to use money rationally. The ease and spontaneity of the dual sign would sometimes not prevent the conservative Taurus. Respecting each other and not trying to remake, they can make a strong alliance of two interesting personalities.

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Their strength: Their differences draw them together.
Their weakness: They have two very different approaches to life.
Love advice: Look past your differences and accept each other.

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A Taurus woman and a Gemini man compatibility: A tornado

It's you, Madame Taurus, who will hold the reins of the household, managing your budget and planning everything that needs to be done. You'll get everything you desire from your dear one – especially in the workplace, where he'll be seduced and conquered! Your iron will has truly captivated your partner who is smitten. However, try not to overdo it and give him some freedom in your relationship too! It's vital for him to remain the lively man you love so much, who refreshes you so well beyond the daily trivialities.

A Taurus man and a Gemini woman compatibility: An adventurous duo

Madame Gemini will be charmed by this man so sincere, so upright, so rigorous! She, who sometimes seems intangible and unstable, might find the energy to let go of sweet dreams and regain a more grounded spirit. Mr. Taurus will be delighted to see his partner have her feet a little more on the ground – just the way he likes it! If these two natives can agree on genuine compromises, then a beautiful romance could blossom! Taurus's sensuality will awaken his partner's seductive spirit, and she will refine her strategies to help him advance socially.

Why this duo could work out in love

Taurus loves Gemini funny and free side and finds Gemini's attitude inspiring. Gemini admires Taurus' gentle personality and quiet strength of character. Taurus is a great teacher of determination. Gemini, you know that you can always count on Taurus' pragmatic and thoughtful side to help you see the light. Far from being on the same wavelength, nothing prevents these two signs from complementing each other. Indeed, Taurus likes the humor and lightness of Gemini, which pushes him to move around, change his habits and avoid getting into a rut. Gemini loves the kindness of Taurus, his quiet strength. With Taurus, he can also learn to be more determined.

The Taurus puts all their energy into the relationship and, unconsciously, treats the other as a delicacy. It's very erotic but can scare the Gemini, who values their freedom. Taurus has something animalistic, Gemini something ethereal. If both of you embark on discovering each other, you can enrich yourselves with new sensations.

What makes them incompatible?

You will have great difficulty understanding each other, and misunderstandings will turn into drama and eventually tarnish your relationship. Thus, it is unlikely that you will be able to think about the future together. On the heart side, they are not really on the same wavelength. Taurus, already a little distrustful by nature, will find it difficult to trust Gemini, who is less interested in commitment and often improvises his life as a couple.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Gemini -

What will their sex life be like?

Recurring communication problems and your different needs in the bedroom will soon hinder your relationship. It is difficult to agree when Gemini, likes fast and vigorous relationships, while Taurus, prefers long ones. It will be necessary, there too, to learn to agree.

Love advice for this pair

Be clear about your feelings and goals. To make their relationship work, they will have no choice but to clearly state their expectations from the beginning of their relationship.

🔴 Remember, I'm only touching on sun signs here. For a true astrological compatibility study, you need to compare the natal charts of both people. Finally, remember that a couple is something you work on every day, and that it's all about love, sharing, mutual respect and so much more, so it's up to you.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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