Why this duo could write a beautiful love story
Gemini and Pisces really are incompatible in love and are unlikely to be able to make things work. If this duo wants to give things a go, they should use their differences as a way of bringing them together, but even so, a successful love match is still not guaranteed. Gemini will bring Pisces a sense of realism, and Pisces will ensure they add a touch of romance and magic to Gemini's life. Pisces knows how to move you, make you more philanthropic, more irrational, as for you, you give Pisces access to knowledge while allowing them to overcome their shyness.
Seriousness, self-discipline isn't the strong suit of your disordered, dreamy duo. Moreover, you're not on the same wavelength. You have a chance to stay united through your wanderings if Gemini is less critical, Pisces more dynamic, and both less touchy. Gemini brings their rationalism and lightness, while Pisces provides tenderness and brings a lot of romance to everyday life.
What makes them incompatible?
Your relationship is not based on very solid foundations and over the months, weeks or days, you will spend less and less time together. A clear incompatibility risks digging a ditch, in fact, this pair can hardly stand each other, for instance, Gemini finds Pisces too whiny and fragile and Pisces judging Gemini haughty, superficial and heartless. Moreover, these two signs are marked by youth, meaning a certain immaturity will haunt their debates.
- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Gemini -
What will their sex life be like?
Gemini, you are far too cerebral for Pisces; who only follows their instincts and intuition! As far as sex is concerned, Pisces is demanding, which will surprise a Gemini who rarely lives up to their partner's high expectations.
Love advice for this pair
Try to be accepting. This relationship is only likely to succeed if these natives know how to be tolerant of each other and try to understand each other.
🔴 Remember, I'm only touching on sun signs here. For a true astrological compatibility study, you need to compare the natal charts of both people. Finally, remember that a couple is something you work on every day, and that it's all about love, sharing, mutual respect and so much more, so it's up to you.
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So, I am a Gemini, and my husband is a Pisces. We have been together for 10 and a half years now. Our relationship is soooooooooo amazing! I fell in love with him almost immediately. We have the most solid relationship out of anyone we know. We have some great debates, because we really are truly opposite in a lot of things, but we have never had a fight. We may disagree over things, but neither of us have ever raised our voices. I love how we communicate with one another, if either of us have a problem. Neither of us hold grudges and if we are ever upset, it lasts maybe 2 minutes, if that. lol I love how he is just as childish and immature as I am. He makes me laugh like no one ever has. He loves me for all my flaws and quirks, and I love him for his 0 flaws and his dreamer personality! I feel like we both see the world so differently, but we have a way of making the other understand the way we see it and it helps us think of the world in different perspectives! Every day I am so thankful and happy that I have a man who appreciates me and shows it. I never have to wonder if he loves me or if he is thinking of me, He tells me! Everyone who is around him, tells me that I am all he talks about! Our families get along extremely well and my family in particular, like him more than me hahaha I will always be thankful our 3 beautiful children, will grow up knowing what it looks like to loving happy parents, who adore not only them, but one another! They have a great example of what a healthy happy family looks like and therefore, I hope they do not settle for less! I could keep going on about my husband but I'm sure people would rather hear about drama and arguments between a relationship. But I am fortunate to not have to deal with that unneeded stress! Do not settle people, there really are amazing people out there, waiting for someone like you to come along!
Aubree Timmons, 3 years ago