Gemini and Aries Compatibility: ♥ Lack Of Chemistry

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The contact between these two personalities is stark and will present an obstacle. Gemini's natives aren't shy and never make a point of hiding their boldness. Aries, on the other hand, has a strong personality and often likes to be in control. That being said, they do have similar desires and love being spontaneous. Discover this pair's compatibility score and whether they have what it takes to fall in love.

Gemini and Aries Compatibility: ♥ Lack Of Chemistry

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Gemini and Aries compatibility score: 2/5

This couple works if there is an established, mutual understanding. A Gemini personality fears being held down in a relationship and is known for a certain detachment when it comes to dating. An Aries personality must give them enough freedom, but Gemini needs to give Aries attention regularly. It's not easy to get along with these two signs, especially when it comes to emotional relationships! Indeed, Gemini focuses his relationships more on friendship and good understanding than on sensuality and love.

Lack of trust is probably the biggest problem in this relationship. Aries is passionate, ruled by Mars and possibly very jealous. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the trickster of the zodiac, who always changes the face they wear for the world. Most Gemini representatives are not even aware of their basic individuality, convinced that they will change their personality overnight. While this is not entirely true, the feeling that Aries can get from this is not exactly a recipe for confidence. For this reason, Aries can get angry, Gemini distracted and distant, to the point that Aries begins to look for another partner even though the relationship is not over and Gemini does not even care anymore. 

Their strength: Their differences draw them together.
Their weakness: They have two very different approaches to life.
Love advice: Look past your differences and accept each other.

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An Aries woman and a Gemini man compatibility: A tornado

When they meet, the Aries woman and Gemini man merge and forget about everything else. A true whirlwind carries them through their love story... However, be careful that Madame's jealousy doesn't make Monsieur uncomfortable. Indeed, Gemini values his freedom and might want to end the relationship when his territory feels threatened! Dear Aries: learn to trust and not always test the other's feelings... And you, dear Gemini, make sure to properly seduce your charming admirer, or else she might run away, leaving behind her glass slipper if love isn't whole! This relationship leans more towards tenderness than passionate love, but who's to say love isn't also tenderness?

An Aries man and a Gemini woman compatibility: An adventurous duo

The Gemini woman, always in search of the ideal and the perfect couple, will be satisfied with this romantic relationship with an Aries, who is strong, sincere, courageous, and frank by nature. He will impress her, make her whirl, and invite her on his travels and adventures... He will be charmed by this feminine adventurer, always up for anything, spontaneous, daring, and so charming...! These natives will always have a topic of conversation and never get bored. Their arguments will be short-lived, and they will have no difficulty forgiving each other. A relationship that can last for eternity if each doesn't try to mold the other in their own way.

Why this duo could live out the perfect love story

Both partners crave love and affection, and their complicity really is impressive. This pair understands each other on a deeper level, but their quirks and Gemini's need for freedom could possibly push them away. Rowing in the both direction is important for them.

This is a sparkling couple, like a bottle of champagne, but don't shake it too much. You lack stability, security. You have good communication potential, which is very positive if Aries shows a little tact and Gemini less criticism. The best way to release tension is to engage in any physical or hands-on activity together, especially for Gemini.

What makes them incompatible

Between the impulsivity and bloodshed of Aries and Gemini's various moods and fickleness, your relationship will have a hard time holding up, and a long-term relationship seems unlikely. In this couple, feelings are likely to be unbalanced. Aries will constantly ask Gemini for more attention, more emotional demonstrations, and may even provoke him. This can lead to epic arguments, where words are dangerous jousts.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Gemini -

What will their sex life be like?

Gemini, you are an intellectual person who fantasizes about relationships, while Aries wants to live them to the fullest, so at this level you will not be in tune! Sexually, you desire different things. An evening fling might satisfy them both, but in the long run, even if Aries likes animal, almost brutal relationships, Gemini has plenty to satisfy him, to the point that they could become a liberated couple.

Love advice for this pair:

Choose romance over tension. The key to the couple is complicity: if Aries allows enough freedom to Gemini and if Gemini surprises Aries with small regular attentions in the absence of big embraces or passionate declarations, the couple can function on a mutual tenderness.

🔴 Remember, I'm only touching on sun signs here. For a true astrological compatibility study, you need to compare the natal charts of both people. Finally, remember that a couple is something you work on every day, and that it's all about love, sharing, mutual respect and so much more, so it's up to you.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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