Virgo And Scorpio Compatibility: ♥ This Is A Recipe For Disaster

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Virgo will appreciate Scorpio's ability to guess their thoughts and feelings without the need to articulate them. These two natives are lovers of solitude and will know how and when to give each other the space they need. Scorpio will sometimes surprise Virgo with their complex moods which seem to spring from nowhere. Scorpio's instability will ultimately put Virgo to the test and could throw this duo into peril. This union is not very usual in the zodiac, as Virgo easily succumbs to the domination of Scorpio, so, without further ado, read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Virgo And Scorpio Compatibility: ♥ This Is A Recipe For Disaster

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"Virgo and Scorpio will face too many challenges!" 

Virgo and Scorpio compatibility score: 1/5

These signs are very different! Virgo is moderate, cautious, and shy, while Scorpio personality is brave, over the top and instinctive. Virgo is too nice, so Scorpio likes to pick on them in order to provoke a reaction. Virgo is completely distant and has a hard time expressing their feelings, whereas Scorpio is open and passionate. As for their sex life, Virgo is happy just cuddling up every night, but Scorpio needs sex to cement their love. When it comes to finances, Scorpio can be very uptight, which annoys Virgo!

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Could a relationship between Virgo and Scorpio work out?

It’s hard to believe a Virgo and Scorpio could ever make things work out, and that goes for romantic relationships as well as professional relationships. Misunderstandings will be plentiful when a Virgo and Scorpio get together because these two zodiacs just aren’t on the same wave length. It's hard to believe that this couple could go the distance. Between them, misunderstandings are numerous, but if they work together, they can go far. Scorpio is able to help Virgo to concretize their projects, and together they will find peace.

What could tear this couple apart?

While  Virgo is distant and reserved with their feelings, Scorpio is passionate, daring and loves intensely, without false modesty. It is therefore difficult for them to understand each other. On the sensual level, Virgo can go without cuddles whereas for Scorpio, sex is the cement of love. Add to that the fact that Virgo will not be reassured by Scorpio's sometimes crazy behavior in matters of finances.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Virgo -

What will their sex life be like?

Astrology wants you to be complementary and this is not wrong since Scorpio knows how to bring out the sensuality in Virgo! Sexually speaking, for it to work between them, Scorpio must take control and guide the gentle Virgo, provided that their limits are respected. Although, in the long run, this could frustrate Scorpio, whose limits are much wider.

Love advice for this pair

It is difficult to imagine a more different couple, but if they know how to tame each other and take steps to find balance and a happy medium, this duo could work, but it will have to be worked on over time.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

I agree with this whole heartedly. The only thing I really don't agree with is " Virgo is too nice, so Scorpio likes to pick on them in order to provoke a reaction" But it also depends on what you mean by "pick on". As a Scorpio, I do not like to mess with people. However, I have some trauma that makes me weary and so in their words, I get "paranoid." But I also have a disability that makes me hard to understand things. So, I pick at them to make sure I understood correctly, or to get reassurance. The person I love (Virgo), will not communicate with me and says, "It's just the way I am (as in me)" and keeping things to themselves. But yet at the same time tells me to trust them, and that there is nothing wrong between the two of us when I very well know there is. However, I made a mistake. There was a time that I was super Paranoid. But it was because I was not used to having someone this close to me. We were together and they broke up with me. Not sure if it was because of this fully but I know that they were not ready at all for a relationship. Just trying to keep each other as friends is difficult because they talk to me differently now in a way where all boundaries are up, they are defensive, and they do not explain things very well. It went gradually though, not instant. They tell me they don't want space; they tell me they want me to keep asking them if we want to hang out. Keep telling them things that happen irl when they don't even really do it. And they don't really fully acknowledge what I say which I think that part is just because we talk differently. They used to be able to reassure me and we'd eventually figure it out and resolve it. I am now trying to give them space even though they say they don't want it. For both of us. Wish me luck! This guide helped me a lot! Thanks so much! I'm hoping I'm not too late to at least be friends. It keeps getting worse month by month and they won't tell me what's up so going on blind sight here. Hopefully this Horoscope will help me :)

Chloe 2 years ago

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