Virgo And Aries Compatibility: ♥ A Surprisingly Good Match

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Virgo prefers to fade into the background and concentrate on work, while Aries is a real firecracker and runs into things head on with little planning. Everything that annoys Virgo, Aries does, however that being said, they seem to get along fairly well. This pair could certainly teach each other lots of interesting lessons and help each other become more successful. The tendency in a relationship between Aries and Virgo natives is for things to go as planned. Virgos think before they act and commit, which makes it difficult to make commitments, while Aries is always in a hurry to get to deep commitments immediately. Read on for more details on the Virgo and Aries compatibility and discover their love score.

Virgo And Aries Compatibility: ♥ A Surprisingly Good Match

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"Virgo and Aries are very different on paper!" 

Are Virgos and Aries a good match? - Yes, their score is: 3/5

It’s surprising to see these two getting on rather than arguing! At work, Aries and Virgo make a good team, but when feelings of love are involved it’s a bit more complicated. A shy Virgo risks being dominated by an extrovert Aries personality, thus there’s imbalance in this relationship, although they can teach each other what they lack, but a Virgo risks being dominated by an Aries. The conscientious and orderly Virgo will bring stability to the Aries and will assist them perfectly in their daily tasks. On the other hand, Aries will shine in the eyes of Virgo for their great capacity to act. However

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How Virgo and Aries could work out

Virgo and Aries have very different personalities, and Aries really does risk overpowering a defenseless Virgo. Virgo’s hardworking and organized side will provide Aries with the stability they crave and even help them get through their daily tasks a lot easier. Virgo will be in awe of the brilliant Aries when it comes to their decision-making skills. What's certain is that Aries will push Virgo to surpass themselves and overcome every challenge they face. As for you, Virgo, you'll know how to stabilize Aries and soften them. Your relationship is therefore possible, but requires a lot of effort. It is a bit surprising to imagine these two together, as they are opposite in everything. However, it is possible that they constitute a good team, with Aries being a leader who loves planning and Virgo there to manage and supervise.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Virgo -

What could bring this couple down

Virgo, you will find it very difficult to live an Aries, who you consider to be too impulsive and angry. Moreover, you will judge them too fiery and conversely. The extroverted, adventurous and active Aries will quickly feel overwhelmed by the shy, timid, introverted Virgo. If Virgo submits to Aries, they risk being dominated in a petty and spiteful way. There is therefore a big risk of misunderstanding and imbalance in this couple.

Are Aries and Virgo compatible in bed?

You have little in common in the bedroom and will find it hard to satisfy each other's needs. Sex is often a revelation for them. They don't understand each other easily, but Aries is more open and allows Virgo to indulge in their wildest fantasies and inclinations.

Love advice for this pair:

Communication is the key. Often at odds with each other, it's possible that this relationship will slow down the progress of both. However, if Aries knows how to listen to Virgo's advice and if Virgo opens up, they have a chance to get along over time.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

OMG, I'm an Aries and my husband is a Virgo, we been together for over 25 years, and you describe us to a tea.

Darlene Williams 2 years ago

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