Virgo And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ This Match Needs Luck To Work Out

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Virgo needs things to be ordered and organized, Aquarius, on the other hand, leaves a trail of chaos everywhere they go. That being said, nothing says that this relationship can't lead to a true friendship, composed of two contrasting personalities. These signs are both eager for freedom and intellectual stimulation, but unfortunately the passion just isn't there. Excessive rationalism is what will permeate this relationship. Indeed, these two cold-tempered signs will often see their ideas clash many times over. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

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"Virgo and Aquarius will have an amazing bond!" 

Virgo and Aquarius compatibility score: 4/5

Here’s a strange combo! Shy, anxious, and conventional Virgo looks skeptically on at Aquarius personality, who is an adventurer! In a professional setting, Aquarius can provide lots of fresh and slight out of the box ideas and Virgo will be able to offer a more practical mindset. In friendship and as family members, they need to keep love alive, or they risk drifting apart from each other. Aquarius is talkative and may bore Virgo, who lives in their own world. In a relationship, Virgo won’t be very reassured by Aquarius’ drifting attitude, and Aquarius risks getting bored quickly with the serious Virgo.

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Could a relationship between Virgo and Aquarius work out?

These zodiac signs are completely different and no one would really put them together instinctively, although they may have what it takes to create the perfect, harmonious relationship. When it comes to their principles and values regarding kids and family, problems will arise because their attitudes just aren’t similar enough for things to work out. You will communicate on ideas, ways of thinking, it is one of the strong points of your couple that will allow you to have a minimum of exchanges per key. If they have projects to carry out together, their agreement will be formidable, Aquarius will be able to bring a new look which Virgo will need to better adapt to the currents, to the modes. In return, Virgo will offer practical advice and help with the administrative steps to move things forward.

What could tear this couple apart?

In a relationship, Virgo is not at all reassured by the versatile and independent side of Aquarius. The latter is talkative and curious, meaning they are likely to get bored quickly with the taciturn Virgo, who appreciates their alone time. Their vision of life is so different. Virgo represents foresight and Aquarius is all about improvisation! This could be problematic when it comes to the education of children, the management of daily life and material goods...

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Virgo -

What will their sex life be like?

Things won't flow well for you in the bedroom and could lead to some awkward moments. However, if they communicate their desires, they could have some pleasant surprises.

Love advice for this pair:

If they want to stay together, they will have to rely on love to understand each other. In short, give things a shot because they could actually work out.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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