Scorpio And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ A Complicated Couple

Last updated by Susan Taylor

If one is a master of detachment (Aquarius), the other is an expert in lasting bonds and is extremely possessive (Scorpio)! The independence and demand for freedom of Aquarius will be painful for Scorpio, who is looking for prolonged fusion and intimacy. Concessions and compromises will have to made if this relationship is to last for more than a month. These two will be dominated by passion and will get closer because of the mysterious passion that will germinate between them. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score 🥰.

Scorpio And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ A Complicated Couple
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Scorpio and Aquarius compatibility score: 3/5

These signs are completely different! At work, Scorpio and Aquarius personality can get on easily when they exchange ideas. It’s a bit more complicated with emotional relationships, be it as family members, friends, or lovers. Aquarius, an independent person, and on the whole free spirit, doesn’t stand for emotional exclusivity. They love everyone! For this reason, Scorpio gets frustrated in their desire for a united bond, and emotional connection. As a couple, sensual exchanges are important for Scorpio, while in an Aquarius’ mind, intellectual exchanges are preferable. Aquarius will back away slowly if they feel suffocated by Scorpio 🫦!

Aquarius and their cult of serenity and certain ease cannot adhere full time to the torments of their favorite Scorpio: let's face it! The water of the stream (Scorpio) and the air girl of the zodiac (Aquarius) do not have the same needs! Aquarius usually chases away what doesn't suit them, while Scorpio strangely feeds on their little troubles and big worries... The dizziness of passion? Scorpio indulges in it, and Aquarius quickly gets rid of it... To live serenely is really the purpose and the destiny of Aquarius, whereas Scorpio is this introvert who often fails to live lightly... This will not prevent Aquarius from falling into the irresistible seduction nets of their favorite beast, but they will very quickly take the powder if Scorpio bites their tail too often... In short and in the best of cases, you can fall in duet under the yoke of a nice love at first sight, but Aquarius will have much more difficulty ensuring, on the side of prolongations...

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The compatibility between an Aquarius woman ♒ and a Scorpio man ♏ 

These two signs are drawn to each other. Yet, their life paths differ significantly! If Mr. Scorpio finds the right words to soothe Lady Aquarius, she might start to believe in their sweet connection! Lady Aquarius might find herself struggling in a relationship with her lively partner, someone who revels in the pleasures of life. She aims to be inspired, rise above all that glitters, and evolve peacefully. It's a mixed bag for these two, unless Mr. Scorpio finds balance and acts accordingly. In that case, Aquarius will give her best to propel him to greater heights, leading to a release of her emotional depths and solidifying their bond.

The compatibility between an Aquarius man ♒ and a Scorpio woman ♏

Lady Scorpio, don't forget that Aquarius is sensitive, delicate, and craves affection, despite their seemingly detached nature. Don't rush them; otherwise, they might go in the opposite direction and unleash surprising outbursts! With both being equally stubborn, it's wise to avoid controversial topics and find conversational paths that encourage open-mindedness. They share a sense of the absolute, which will significantly amplify the deep aspects between them. But Mr. Aquarius will need to step up to satisfy his partner in the bedroom!💞

Are Scorpio and Aquarius soulmates?

Jealousy on Scorpio’s behalf could invade this duo and push them apart. Scorpio will have a hard time dealing with the sociable Aquarius’ nature and won’t hold back on letting Aquarius know. Scorpio loves searching for answers, but will soon learn that Aquarius isn’t the best person to play this game with them. Overall, their main problem is that Scorpio wants more, but Aquarius is incapable of giving. You make quite the couple, and you won't go unnoticed! And yes, you'll be in a constant state of turmoil and your relationship will be nourished by absolutes, idealism and originality.

The attraction is intense, but not always straightforward. There's a touch of thrill-seeking in Aquarius to stay with the possessive Scorpio. You make an unconventional pair, watch out for similarities that might go awry, like stubbornness and a desire for control 😈. Scorpio needs to release their free-spirited Aquarius, and Aquarius should try to show a bit more affection for this to work...

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Scorpio -

What could bring this couple down?

You don't obey the same codes at all, and in fact, you will sometimes have a hard time finding each other. Thus, your relationship can turn sour very quickly! This relationship is likely to be difficult for Scorpios. Jealousy and frustration will be on the agenda. Indeed, the Aquarius is very independent and does not support emotional exclusivity. Scorpio will suffer from not being able to be reassured and from having to do without a deep and fusion filled relationship 😈. On the other hand, the Aquarian will have difficulty supporting the need for attention from a Scorpio who always wants more.

Are they good in bed?

Between deep sensitivity and vaporous communication, it's hard to meet in the middle! Although Aquarius is more into intellectual exchanges, when Scorpio wants to get under the sheets, they don't say no to sensual exchanges. Outside partners are also often welcome in their lovemaking.

Love advice for this pair

This couple will have to enjoy the first hours of their adventure 100% before their respective needs and desires separate them... Unless they both manage to make efforts to reassure and understand each other.

Susan Taylor’s insights: Unsure of your relationship's future?

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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