Facts About Scorpios: 15 About This Enigmatic Personality

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Ah, Scorpio natives, aka, those of you born between October 23 - November 21, there is just so much to say about this secretive and mysterious personality. Although, if you are struggling where to start, we've put together some essential snippets of information for you to be able to explore and understand the depths of their character. As a water sign, these natives are passionate and ruled by their emotions, which can manifest themselves in a multitude of ways. If you’re looking to find out more about the enigma, you’re in the right place because we’ve collected 15 facts about Scorpios to give you more insights into who they are.

Facts About Scorpios: 15 About This Enigmatic Personality

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Scorpio personality is the eighth personality of the zodiac and its ruling planets are Mars and Pluto, which explains why these folks are so volatile and aggressive. Although that being said, there’s no need to be afraid of these natives because their intense emotions can be channeled into love just as easily as hate. Loyal and direct, these natives are voluntary, generous, kind, and a bit idealistic.

Discover this sign in all its glory - 15 facts about Scorpio ♏

The complex exterior of this personality can suddenly become easily understandable when you get to the essence of their traits. These folks, therefore, tend to overflow with passion and explosive feelings. With the insights we've picked for you, you'll definitely be able to get a look into their world and found better relationships with them.

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  • Fact 1 About Scorpio - They Are Secretive

    They struggle to open up

    As one of the water signs, Scorpios are ruled by emotion, and they usually feel like they can’t open up to people unless they really feel comfortable, don’t expect this zodiac to reveal much to you on your first meeting. 

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.


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