We all want our own way from time to time, but the question is how far will you go to get it? From making up little white lies, spreading rumors to changing certain facts; none of us are completely innocent in this field. Manipulation is unfortunately a tool most of us turn to at one moment or another, but certain personalities just can't resist pulling strings in order to gain the upper hand.
What zodiac signs are the most manipulative?
The need for control often stems from fear and insecurity, yet when it's taken too far, it can be very unforgiving. Based on our personalities, we all adopt different tactics to get what we want. For example, an emotionally sensitive zodiac sign may try to make you feel sorry for them with tears, whilst an expressive and communicative sign will deceive you verbally instead. 😡 While their techniques may differ, these 5 shrewd personalities are experts in the field of getting what they want!
💡 FAQ: Who is the least controlling zodiac sign? 💡
Aries is officially the least controlling zodiac sign. Although this might come as a surprise because these natives often have a bad reputation, but as they are so straightforward, they don’t need to manipulate people. Their honesty means that they are very upfront with their intentions and that they will always speak their mind. Controlling people isn’t for them, these natives prefer to do things above board and aren’t afraid of what their entourage thinks of them. They simply don't need to manipulate, because their magnetic personalities always get people onboard.
💡 FAQ: Which zodiac sign is the hardest to manipulate? 💡
Capricorn is most definitely the hardest zodiac sign to manipulate. These natives are very cunning themselves and are very defensive and often suspicious with regard to other people’s intentions. Capricorn doesn’t really have time for silly games, so prefers to keep their head down and carry on their own path.
- What is your zodiac sign's biggest flaw? -
Very true.I am a Libran.
Binodini.Irengbam., 3 years ago