Libra And Capricorn Compatibility: ♥ These Signs Are Better As Friends

Last updated by Susan Taylor

These two will cross paths in business because they are both experts in negotiations, however they lack that same drive in a common relationship. The discipline and method of the Capricorn combined with the irresistible charm of the Libra will make them hit the jackpot. The sad truth is, Capricorn can be relied upon for many things, but not for romance. The union between these two signs tends to be a complicated headache, and their relationship will only work if Libra is willing to be more intimate and if Capricorn is willing to make an effort to socialize. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Libra And Capricorn Compatibility: ♥ These Signs Are Better As Friends

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"Libra and Capricorn are too serious." 

Libra and Capricorn compatibility score: 2/5

Although different, these two can find things in common. A welcoming Libra finds the Capricorn personality a bit cold and distant, but they can discover qualities they like about the other. Libra will be reassured by Capricorn’s sincerity, stability, and sense of honor. Libra and Capricorn should opt for a friendship or business partnership rather than a romantic relationship. Indeed, if they manage to discover each other's qualities, the relationship could take a different turn. At first glance, a complex and difficult relationship. In reality, it's nothing of the sort. The two of them will quickly come to appreciate each other's strengths. They share the same need for independence, the same sense of reality, and can wait for someone to come to them, without lifting a finger.

They know each other perfectly. Sometimes even better than they know themselves. The bond between the two signs lies in their respective affinities. They have a lot of fun together, and Libra, who is often stuck in her preconceptions, relaxes when she comes into contact with Capricorn. It's invaluable, it goes without saying, for Capricorn to decode human relationships. Each of them will have plenty of time to refine the relationship, get used to it, or detach from it. Which is also one of the planet's roles. In any case, the relationship will make them both grow, in all awareness.

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Could Libra and Capricorn have a successful relationship?

In a professional setting, Capricorn will be able to channel Libra’s energy and help them concentrate on the essential things in life. Libra will offer Capricorn some creativity and help open their imagination. A professional relationship will suit Libra and Capricorn better. It can work, but at the cost of great sacrifice on your part, because you will have a hard time getting Capricorn out of its shell. However, if you're looking for stability, you've got it!

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Libra -

What could bring this couple down?

Libra will often judge Capricorn as being too cold, too distant and too inhibited. Besides, having a hard time with their lack of ideas, which will make your relationship die of boredom! The warm and sociable Libra may find the Capricorn cold, distant, unsociable and severe. On the other hand, Capricorn may find them futile, flighty, talkative and capricious. Their chemistry is therefore limited.

What will their sex life be like?

There are only very few chances the passion will burn between you, and you'll struggle to find pleasure and satisfaction. Their sex life is secondary, and it must be said that nothing flows naturally between them. Fortunately, with time, things will get a little better and a little spicier.

Love advice for this pair

The future between them is simple, either they decide to invest their feelings in each other, or they move on without finding common ground.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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