Can Aries And Libra Be Soulmates?: Yes, Opposites Attract!

Last updated by Susan Taylor

The gentle Libra likes simple relationships, filled with moments of sincerity, joy, and honesty. Natives of this sign are very sociable and love entertaining both new and old friends. They are born socialites and know exactly how to throw parties. As an expert diplomat, these folks never put a foot wrong, however the same can't be said for the stubborn and impulsive Aries, who likes to move through life at 100 mph! The delicacy and subtlety of Libra complements the greed of Aries. This duo unites their differences and knows how to bring out the best in each other. All it takes is a hint of true love for this combination to last a lifetime. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Can Aries And Libra Be Soulmates?: Yes, Opposites Attract!

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"Libra and Aries have good potential!" 

Libra and Aries compatibility score: 4/5

Looking past the opposition of these signs, they can complement the other and the attraction between them is intense. The directness of an Aries personality when they say what’s on their mind can shock Libra, who is more practiced in their manners. But they quickly learn to appreciate the other. Libra likes that Aries kisses with a youthful spirit. All Libra truly requires is for Aries to reassure them, even if they can be overly sensitive. Libra has to accept that Aries wants freedom at times.  

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Why are Libras so attracted to Aries?

The attraction between the zodiac signs Libra and Aries can be explained by the dynamic of opposition and complementarity between these two signs. Opposite signs in the zodiac often have a magnetic connection due to qualities and traits that contrast and complement each other. The attraction between Libra and Aries can be the result of a fascination for the qualities each brings to the relationship. Libras may be attracted to Aries' confidence and self-assurance, as well as their energy and enthusiasm. In return, Aries may be drawn to Libra's charm, grace, and attention to detail.

However, as with all relationships, there can be potential challenges. Fundamental differences in approaches to life and priorities can lead to friction. Libras may want to avoid conflict, while Aries may be more inclined to confront problems directly. Open communication and mutual understanding are essential for this relationship to function harmoniously.

Could Libra and Aries have a successful relationship?

As opposites of the zodiac, you naturally feel an attraction towards each other and although rather wise in appearance, you are quite sensual. So, a relationship between you can work perfectly well. If this duo wants to go the distance and make their relationship work, Aries needs to be attentive towards the sensitive Libra as well as accept Libra's need for freedom. Libra likes the quick, go-getter nature of Aries. Libra, on the other hand, tempers Aries and gives them the tenderness and love they need.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Libra -

What could bring this couple down?

You are often carried away by a passion that destabilizes you and just for that reason alone, your couple can go on a wild goose chase! Thus, you will have to learn how to manage this sign of Fire or move away from it. As their relationship progresses, misunderstandings may arise. The hyper sentimental Libra can end up worrying about the unpredictable Aries.

What will their sex life be like?

There is a certain compatibility, a passion heard, but don't fall into the maze of dependency! In bed, it is often Aries who takes the initiative, but most of the time, although strange, their intimate relations are peaceful.

Love advice for this pair

Make an effort to make each other happy. Aries will always have to reassure Libra if they want to keep them around, otherwise the latter might miss being the center of attention and may end up fleeing.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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