Libra And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ This Is A Complete Mismatch

Last updated by Susan Taylor

As two social justice-loving, idealistic and lively spirits, these natives will discuss things for hours, developing theories on how to remake the world. They will be able to convince their audiences and can team up by creating an association or joining militant causes. In addition to loving each other madly, they will become best friends, cherishing their intellectual complicity. Beware, however, of Libra not wanting to lead the rebellious Aquarius on too much. Nevertheless, this relationship may have a drawback; they will never be able to reach an agreement. Libra does not like to make decisions and will rely on Aquarius. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Libra And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ This Is A Complete Mismatch

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"Libra and Aquarius should save themselves heartache." 

Libra and Aquarius compatibility score: 2/5

As two signs under the Air element, these two become great friends or can evolve into a happy family. Understanding, tolerant and fluid communicators, this duo could become great friends. As lovers, Aquarius personality needs more freedom than Libra, who is rooted to a domestic life. Libra and Aquarius really are on the same wave length when it comes to their values and intelligence. Their shared sense of compassion and fairness can encourage them to give to good causes.

They get along well. The relationship is efficient in friendship, or at work. They will often find it easy to function on a day-to-day basis. They know where their role ends and are happy to pass the baton. If the relationship is hierarchical, Aquarius will have no trouble managing Libra. Conversely, Aquarius trusts Libra. This is a couple with a free spirit. They love each other, while respecting each other's way of being. Libra, whose self-fulfillment depends on a loving relationship, doesn't feel bullied by an Aquarian partner. Aquarius finds in Libra an attentive and responsive alter ego.

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Could Libra and Aquarius have a successful relationship?

Libra risks getting bored in a relationship with Aquarius and will prefer spending time with their friends rather than Aquarius. Aquarius could end up driving Libra away with their childish behavior. As for their sex life, Aquarius will feel under pressure to live up to Libra’s sexual expectations. Exchange is a big thing for Air signs and yes, in addition to the feelings you have, you can talk and debate for hours. You're a special couple that operates in a lover-mistress, brother-sister, confident-confidant mode. To move forward together, they'll need to exchange ideas and debate. 

Their intellectual understanding can be perfect if they communicate well. It may be a little difficult for them to settle down. They'll need a little more time than others to find their feet. This is due to a certain distance they can't help putting up. However, as soon as intimacy is created, they will be strongly attached to each other.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Libra -

What could bring this couple down?

Libra, if the independence of Aquarius suits you, on the other hand, you will have much more trouble with its overflowing non-conformist and authoritarianism! Aquarius needs more freedom than Libra, who is more home-oriented and romantic. Libra may suffer from the lack of attention from Aquarius, who loves everyone in a non-exclusive but also in a more superficial way.

What will their sex life be like?

You'll be on cloud nine and your relationship could even turn out to be electric! The truth is, this couple has no complexes. Their lovemaking is therefore energetic, exhausting and simply unforgettable.

Love advice for this pair

They do not have the same desires or the same vision concerning a healthy relationship, which risks creating problems in the long run.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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