Gemini And Gemini Compatibility: ♥ A Brilliant Match

Last updated by Susan Taylor

This pair seems to hit it off right away, yet when it comes to establishing their love things often get complicated. This duo form the brightest and funniest couple of the zodiac, but they still have a hard time committing to each other. Their common appreciation for adventure means they'll see the world together, but will their passion be enough to solidify their love? Discover the Gemini and Gemini compatibility score and whether they have what it takes to fall in love.

Gemini And Gemini Compatibility: ♥ A Brilliant Match

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Gemini and Gemini compatibility score: 3/5

Playful and carefree, these two get along wonderfully! Gemini likes diverse, rich intellectual rapports. A Gemini wants to communicate effectively, to go out, and live an eternally youthful life. However, two Gemini personalities can be nervous around the other and sometimes verbally aggressive, this is why open communication is very important. They should both have a good sense of humor to be able to avoid dwelling on bad vibes. These natives are both playful and carefree, meaning they get along wonderfully. Gemini loves rich and varied intellectual relationships, they seek to communicate as much as possible in their relationship, to entertain themselves, to go out, to improvise, to live their life as an eternal teenager. 

Gemini is the charge of Mercury. This unusual celestial body: one side is permafrost, the second is always warm. The dual characteristics of the planet completely reflect the nature of Gemini. They seem to live two different people, and every time you can see only one of them. With whom you will meet the next time, it is not even known the representative of the air element. Today he can be the sweetest and kindest person in the world, and tomorrow - bold, brash and stubborn. What will happen if two of these people meet - we can only guess.

The superposition of two double signs as changeable as Gemini may result in a relationship as sparkling as it is unstable. Both of you are sociable, intelligent, and restless. However, all this effervescence doesn't guarantee stability. For it to last, the less carefree of the two must decide to take on responsibilities or develop their sense of organization...

Their strength: They understand each other.
Their weakness: Their lack of commitment may drive them apart.
Love advice: Listen to each other.

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Why this duo could work out in love

Two Geminis together will take life by the horns and work through their problems together. Although, when angry, a Gemini can really show another side of their personality and get really hurtful with their words. To succeed, this pair need a good dose of giggles and laughter. You are the same person and know almost instinctively what your partner thinks. You are made to get along and make memories. From the same mold, you are a bit like a mirror of the other without knowing it, real soul mates.

It's a common duo, but not always enduring. For it to work, the less carefree one needs to take care of the practical matters... You both have a blast, love going out, moving around, meeting people, everything interests you, and the other follows along, magical! Problems might arise from responsibilities neither of you wants to shoulder. Foresight isn't your strong suit...

What makes them incompatible?

By having the same reflection, you can lose yourself in each other and see your personality swallowed up by your astrological double. Thus, you will only have the impression of existing through the other, which will jeopardize your relationship. Between these two communicators, the arguments are likely to be very violent. Indeed, Gemini can be very nervous and sometimes verbally aggressive.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Gemini -

What will their sex life be like?

Between fantasy, reality, words and gestures, everything fits together perfectly and sparks fly in the bedroom! If your sex life starts off like a whirlwind, when the relationship becomes long-term, restlessness and anxiety gradually take over from desire and libido.

Love advice for this pair

Be clear about your feelings and goals. If you spend a lot of time talking together, you don't talk about your personal feelings and emotions, which are the basis of a couple. Be careful not to remain on the superficial side of things without revealing your true thoughts.

🔴 Remember, I'm only touching on sun signs here. For a true astrological compatibility study, you need to compare the natal charts of both people. Finally, remember that a couple is something you work on every day, and that it's all about love, sharing, mutual respect and so much more, so it's up to you.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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