Should You Date An Aries? - Yes, Of Course, Here Are 5 Reasons Why!

Last updated by Susan Taylor

People born between March 21 and April 19 are Aries natives, and also known as the leader of the zodiac. When these natives love, they do it with passion and put their hearts and souls into relationships. They are spontaneous, whole and fiery, meaning they love to have a good time! Dating a native of this sign is an intense experience, but nevertheless one not to miss out on! These people are strong and opinionated, so without further ado, check out the 5 reasons you should start dating one.

Should You Date An Aries? - Yes, Of Course, Here Are 5 Reasons Why!

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Aries personality people make each and every day an adventure, which is why keeping up with them is so tough! Attracting them isn't simple either because they relish the thrill of the chase and become uninterested when things are too easy, the best thing to do is to let them pursue you.

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5 Reasons to date an Aries if you want true love

    1. Their spontaneity

They are naturally active souls, which means they are passionate in all areas of their lives. Their hyper activeness sometimes means they can be hard to pin down, but you’re guaranteed to never pass a dull, boring moment with them around. 

    2. Their family orientated nature

If you date an Aries, you’ll soon realize that family is very important to them, and at the center of everything they do. This is a great sign because their strong family values mean they make great parents.

    3. They are high achievers

These folks are known for their determination and their drive. Once an Aries has set their mind on something, there is no stopping them! Aries’ determination and drive make them over-achievers in everything they do.

    4. They have an amazing sense of humor

They have great sense of humors and will always be the ones cracking jokes at parties. These people are very sociable and love to party all night long, they really are up for anything and everything!

    5. They live and learn

Aries people are brave and despite the fact that they may go through hardships in their lives, they tend to learn from their mistakes and take things in their stride. Once they are knocked down, they come back stronger and more motivated than ever.

Aries compatibility: Which sign drives them wild?

These 5 zodiac signs have what it takes to attract an Aries man:

  • Leo
  • Sagittarius
  • Libra
  • Gemini
  • Aquarius

How do you tell if an Aries loves you? - 3 Giveaway signs

If an Aries really loves you, you'll notice a few undeniable signs in their behavior. They will act in a way that is specific to their sign, after all, they know how to show their love, even if they haven’t yet said ‘I love you’.

1. An Aries will worship you

Pisces, Cancer, Libra, Gemini, or Sagittarius, the following sentence is addressed to you. If you want to have an exciting love affair, let yourself be tempted by an Aries. Aries are usually reserved and don't express their feelings until you express yours. However, if you've caught him sneaking glances at you or looking at you with a mischievous smile, that's a good sign. It most likely means he'll give you the key to his heart. He may not be able to verbalize his love for you because he's afraid you'll push him away, but the eyes never lie!

2. He is protective of you

The Aries man likes to be in control and feels the need to take care of and protect the women he loves. He will react instantly if someone threatens the one he loves. If he is in love with you, you will feel it immediately. He will take care of you and be extremely attentive. He will always support you and make sure you are happy and healthy.

3. Aries falls in love quickly and moves on quickly

Aries follows his own rules. He's a go-getter. He doesn't care what convention says, and that certainly includes his romantic relationships. This is a guy who will direct his energy with all his intensity to what interests him most at the time. When the Aries man wants to seduce a woman, he pursues her. However, despite all his ardor, he can give up and move on with surprising speed.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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