How Many Times Does Each Zodiac Sign Fall In Love?

Last updated by Madison Carter

As crazy as it seems, on average people are said to fall in love four times during their lifetime! Falling head over heels for someone is such a rich experience and resonates differently with each of us. Some of us gives our hearts away easily, whereas others are more prudent and therefore have a harder time dating. Can you confirm this statistic or is it totally false for you? Finding your perfect match requires strong compatibility and for the planets to be aligned and at times it takes a few cracks at the whip to meet your soulmate.

How Many Times Does Each Zodiac Sign Fall In Love?

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When it comes to astrology and love, there is just so much to say, because we are simply all so different. Whilst some folks rush into relationships way too quickly, other zodiac signs are completely unromantic and hate the idea of having to show some affection.

How many times each zodiac sign falls in love

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  • Aries

    Aries will only fall in love once

    The Aries personality loves being in love and really does invest everything in relationships. Although Aries is perhaps guilty of rushing into relationships too quickly, they will only actually experience true love once in their lives. You may give your heart away rapidly, but you’ll only ever experience incomparable love once.

Article presented by Madison Carter

Web editor for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been very interested in spirituality and the energies and higher forces that surround us. A few years ago, I decided to dedicate my life to this path.

Is this according to birthdate

Ritu 4 years ago

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