Virgo And Virgo Compatibility: ♥ Can Two Virgos Have A Relationship?

Last updated by Susan Taylor

This is the perfect match for any business partnership! However, when it comes to feelings, two Virgos together often that electric spark that ignites a relationship. Their hearts lack spontaneity, which makes exchanges and even flirting a little stilted. An excess of mental analysis freezes their sentimental impulses and can even distract them from the romance factor. In this partnership, order reigns and love goes hand in hand with tranquility. Although, on the other hand, if there is no commitment to make it work, things will not be so peaceful. Read on for more details on the Virgo and Virgo compatibility and discover their love score.

Virgo And Virgo Compatibility: ♥ Can Two Virgos Have A Relationship?

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"Virgo and Virgo are best off as business partners!" 

Virgo and Virgo compatibility score: 1/5

Two Virgos are polite to each other, loyal, cautious and really do have a great chance at making things work. Between the two, there aren’t huge arguments, but nonetheless little habits can get on the other’s nerves. They can share a wonderful life together, but should be wary to not neglect their intimacy, or they risk living like siblings instead of lovers. However, it is not impossible that their little quirks annoy each other and that this couple sometimes plunges into pettiness.

This duo will probably put aside their madness and passionate vertigo to make up for their common interests: that's how you've chosen to last! This is a couple that knows how to keep a cool head on all occasions and organize a well-regulated life to the best of their concerns. A trip "organized trip" will seduce you both because the well-framed structures reassure you, heal your legendary anxiety and allow you to see better. With a bit of luck, you'll even manage to fight your lack of self-confidence and your complexes, thanks to devouring rationality! When love is a long quiet river, it's because two enamored Virgos have decided not to worry too much...

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Can 2 Virgos have a relationship?

Two Virgos together have what it takes to lead a comfortable life without any drama, however, their relationship won’t be based on any flying sparks. Love should be viewed as a long river, and two Virgos together will be in for a calm journey. The two Virgos get on well, but overall they lack passion. These personalities are on the same wavelength and have similar ideas and life principles, which can only bring you closer. Thus, you have the same desires, the same goals and your couple can be very balancing. They are always take care of each other, even if they move slowly and carefully, they always move forward together. This is what reassures them and strengthens their couple.

It's common for different zodiac signs to be attracted to signs that share common traits with their character. This is as true in friendship as in love, and Virgos are particularly concerned. Virgo is an Earth sign, and its love compatibility with these signs is very strong, including its own. The Virgo-Virgo relationship is one of the most balanced and harmonious for people born under this sign. Both possess a keen sense of order and organization, and understand each other on this point, as well as on their emotions. They both want a harmonious relationship, and understand each other at all times. Apart from their sometimes prickly critical side, a Virgo-Virgo couple is made to get along and last.

What could bring them down?

They must be careful not to get bored on this long, quiet river that is their relationship. Plus, they ought to pay attention as to not become too cold in their sensual and emotional exchanges, otherwise they will end up living like brother and sister!

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Virgo -

What will their sex life be like?

It can work, as they say, even if you can alternate periods of passion, wisdom or chastity. They will be rather narrow-minded in bed, as their behavior is rather puritanical they are not the kind to test new experiences and prefer their little routines.

Love advice for this pair

Work on being passionate. As an egocentric pair, this couple likes to live in autarky and is a bit reclusive, however, they will have to learn very quickly that having a social life is important so that small issues do not develop within the couple.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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