Why this duo could make things work
Capricorn will calm you down, Gemini, and bring you back to reality. Thus, your relationship is based on opposite but not incompatible values. Sexual attraction and sensuality are missing from this couple, but their attraction to each other could be proved by declarations of love and cute gestures. Capricorn's cold side could rain on Gemini's parade and bring them down.
You form an unusual couple, but one that has its chances precisely because of its differences. It's said that opposites attract... In essence, the reliable, sober, and ambitious Capricorn adores the lightness and humor brought by Gemini, who can finally settle down. Gemini will need to make an effort to control themselves, while Capricorn will learn to communicate more easily in the company of a gifted individual.
What makes them incompatible?
If your relationship seems promising, the main problem lies in communication, and you sometimes have to break the ice to start a dialogue between you. Someone will have to make the first move! Beware of Capricorn's taciturnity and coldness, as this could Gemini's joy.
- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Gemini -
What will their sex life be like?
There are no fireworks here because one intellectualizes the relationship and the other spends their time focusing on other things. Sexual pleasure will be limited here... In bed, they work at two speeds, Capricorn, slower, has difficulty keeping up with a lively and playful Gemini. It will therefore take them some time to find a rhythm that suits them.
Love advice for this pair
Show each other how you really feel. If sensuality may be lacking in this duo, you will still have to prove your attachment to each other with comforting words and concrete actions.
🔴 Remember, I'm only touching on sun signs here. For a true astrological compatibility study, you need to compare the natal charts of both people. Finally, remember that a couple is something you work on every day, and that it's all about love, sharing, mutual respect and so much more, so it's up to you.
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