Cancer And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ This Is A Hopeless Match

Last updated by Susan Taylor

While Cancer tends to become emotionally attached to their friends, family and possessions, Aquarius demonstrates fierce independence and will often opt for debating ideas with charming strangers rather than spending time at home. These signs are on totally different pages, and neither of them has the patience to learn to understand the other's point of view. Their values are polar opposites, which means the Cancer and Aquarius compatibility score is very low...

Cancer And Aquarius Compatibility: ♥ This Is A Hopeless Match
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Aquarius - Cancer compatibility: Let's stay friends!

This duo works better in a professional or friendly relationship than in a more intimate one. Their camaraderie is quick, their understanding is evident, and their relationship is light and pleasant, but that isn't always enough for a lasting couple.

These two signs can be mutually attracted because they have contrasting personalities that can complement each other. The Aquarius sign is known for its laid-back and individualistic approach to life, while the Cancer sign is more sentimental and attached to the people they love.

Their camaraderie is quick, their understanding is evident, yet they risk drifting apart gradually. It's important to note that compatibility between two zodiac signs isn't an exact science, and human interactions are complex. The best way to determine compatibility between two people is to get to know each other and communicate openly.

Love compatibility percentage: 45%

Aquarius Woman - Cancer Man

Imagine this: she, the Aquarius Woman, always ready to jump on the next opportunity, and he, the Cancer Man, who prefers cultivating his secret garden. She organizes a surprise party for 50 people, while he had planned a quiet evening with a good movie. Oops, time zone difference in the couple!

Where it gets interesting is that our lady can push our Cancer Man out of his comfort zone. "Let's try this new restaurant that serves experimental dishes!" she suggests. And sometimes, he discovers that he really likes it. On his part, he brings that touch of gentleness and stability that might be missing. He is the port in the storm of her life. The hiccup is that the Aquarius Woman can sometimes feel trapped, while he might feel insecure (and there's nothing worse for a Cancer).

Cancer Woman - Aquarius Man

Now we have our Cancer Woman, the queen of emotions, and our Aquarius Man, the king of innovation. She prepares a candlelit dinner for two, and he spontaneously invites three friends who were passing by. Surprise!

What's great here is that the Aquarius Man brings a breath of fresh air into the sometimes too predictable life of the Cancer Woman. "How about an online pottery class?" he suggests on a Tuesday night. She discovers passions she would never have explored alone. In return, she offers a haven of peace and understanding that might be missing in Aquarius's social whirlwind. She teaches him the value of calm and the comfort of home.

My advice: In these two configurations, they will need to rely on humor and a sense of play to keep their bonds intact. Otherwise, they risk drifting apart gradually, with Cancer frustrated in their need for fusion and Aquarius demanding more freedom. Aquarius loves everyone and everything and isn't ready to be romantic, let alone exclusive, with their partner. They will need to rely on humor and a sense of play to keep their bonds intact.

Risk: Incompatible needs

In a romantic relationship, Cancer needs reassurance, and Aquarius, who loves to venture and improvise, cannot or does not want to meet Cancer's security needs. Conversely, Aquarius, initially touched by Cancer's poetry, later has a hard time understanding and meeting their expectations. Aquarius loves everyone and everything and is not ready to be romantic, let alone exclusive with their partner.

Strength: Pushing boundaries

This couple is a mix of creativity and emotion. Aquarius, innovative and independent, brings a unique perspective that can help Cancer come out of their shell, which is no small feat for a Cancer. In return, Cancer offers emotional depth and sensitivity that can help Aquarius connect on a deeper level and better understand others' emotions.

Together, they can encourage each other to push their limits and explore new territories, creating a dynamic and enriching relationship.

Sex: Different desires

Ah, the bedroom, that battlefield where Aquarius and Cancer try to navigate their sheets... differently. Imagine: Aquarius, always ready to explore, proposes a space escapade, while Cancer prefers staying warm under the covers, in cocoon mode.

Yet, when their desires align, it's like a rare and beautiful moment. Aquarius brings novelty and a breath of fresh air, while Cancer envelops the experience with an emotional intensity that can make it incredibly enriching. But when they're not in sync? Aquarius can feel trapped and frustrated, while Cancer might feel lost.

📍 Note, here I am only interested in sun signs! For a complete astrological love compatibility study, I need to analyze and compare the natal charts of both individuals, so take this with a grain of salt. You can still check the moon sign and the ascendant which will give you additional information on how you live your relationships and emotions. And finally, remember that this is astrology, not determinism! A couple is above all a story, a journey, love, respect, and many other things, so it's up to you to make it work.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

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