Aquarius And Leo Compatibility: ♥ This Is An Intense Couple

Last updated by Susan Taylor

Aquarius is very focused on following their own path despite people's opinions, whereas Leo feels the need to please and impress people. Leo is a being of action and intuition above all, while Aquarius is a creature of ideas and concepts. Both natives will encourage self-expression and communication from their partner. One of the strongest points in favor of this relationship is the attraction between them. This couple inspires lots of optimism and together, they will have the strength they need to achieve their dreams. Read on for more details on their compatibility and discover their love score.

Aquarius And Leo Compatibility: ♥ This Is An Intense Couple

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"Aquarius and Leo have to work on their differences." 

❤️ Aquarius and Leo compatibility score: 2/5

Leo personality and Aquarius are situated opposite each other in the zodiac, which is why they are so attracted to each other. The attraction between them can be spontaneous, emotionally and intellectually. Aquarius brings a flair of originality to work, while Leo lacks fantasy, but can give Aquarius direction. Aquarius and Leo have what it takes to share a great social life together because they share similar types of friends and both love partying. In love, this duo is very complex and the differences in their personalities will start to appear. Aquarius needs to be free and hates being told what to do by other people. Aquarius people love helping everyone and sometimes forget to put their relationship first.

The Leo and Aquarius have a radically different outlook on life, yet their differences attract them to each other instead of pushing them away. They form a rather complementary union, although it is often punctuated by conflicts. These two fixed signs are quite stubborn. They dislike admitting that the other may be right and, consequently, resist being influenced.

In love, the Leo needs to feel admired, loved, and have a total emotional connection with the person sharing their life. Aquarius, on the other hand, is not inclined towards such fusion. As an air sign, Aquarius keeps its feet firmly on the ground and prefers to maintain distance to avoid being consumed by the fire sign. Like any good air sign, Aquarius cherishes its freedom and fears that the Leo may stifle its desire for independence 😬. However, if they manage to make compromises, it is a duo that can withstand the test of time because it is primarily based on mutual respect. If the Leo accepts that Aquarius maintains a good dose of independence, and in return, Aquarius grants the fire sign its essential share of compliments, the Leo will be happy, and everything will work out for the better.

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Could Aquarius and Leo have a successful relationship?

Aquarius may find Leo too suffocating and rigid. As for the possessive Leo, he will have a hard time dealing with Aquarius' free-flowing personality. If this couple is to be successful, their communication is key. No doubt their relationship will evolve well and work well. This pair is made to get along with each other, and they share a lot of projects and common goals. Aquarius is always looking out for the other person and wanting to maintain a balanced relationship, and this will calm Leo down. Leo will feel comforted in Aquarius' arms and will not see them as a threat to their desire for dominance.

If Leo and Aquarius manage to overcome their egotistical conflicts, they can have excellent communication and overcome any obstacles in their way 💪. The fire sign possesses an intrinsic power for which it has never had to struggle, unlike Aquarius, who has accumulated inner strength through battles to maintain independence. In this partnership, Leo can clarify all the confusing thoughts of Aquarius, while the air sign can push the fire sign to make necessary changes it had previously resisted.

Regarding emotions, Leo is rather extroverted. When it loves, it shouts it from the rooftops, and it is impossible to miss. In contrast, Aquarius has more difficulty expressing its feelings. Leo can come to the rescue in this regard, as it can melt even the coldest hearts like snow in the sun. With the fire sign, Aquarius can feel secure enough to finally reveal its true emotions.

- Learn more about this sign in 15 facts about Aquarius -

What could bring this couple down?

Although Aquarius is less possessive than Leo, they are also independent and will have to learn to give a more personal dimension to your relationship if they want it to work! Aquarius has a huge heart and prefers to take care of everyone else rather than focus on their love life. This native of air finds Leo too narcissistic and romantic, to the point of being suffocating. As for the possessive Leo, they may not be able to stand the versatile side of the Aquarian!

On the surface, Leo and Aquarius seem to trust each other because they share a certain understanding and show great tolerance. However, they do not reveal everything to each other and will never admit suspicions and uncertainties that may plague them. They often keep the confusing impression of not truly knowing the person who shares their life. 😈 This may be due to Leo's behavior, always wanting to shine in society and be admired, creating opportunities for infidelity that it might take advantage of countless times. Similarly, Aquarius's aspirations for independence also generate jealousy and doubt in the fire sign. Leo is possessive and tends to jump to hasty conclusions at the slightest delay or strange behavior from its partner. There is, therefore, latent mistrust that neither dares to openly discuss.

What is their sex life like?

The bedroom antics are very healthy between this pair. And yes, Aquarius has mastered the art and technique of touching the noble heart of Leo as well as their senses! We can definitely expect fireworks here. Between Leo and Aquarius, there is a strong physical attraction because it is well known that opposites attract like magnets. In this couple, it plays out like a constant chess game, where Leo (the king) does everything to retain its power and dominance, while Aquarius (the knight) acts to escape the traps set and checkmate the king. Suffice it to say, the game is highly spiced up because neither wants to let the other win the match!

In short, their intimacy resembles a kind of sensual battle where each struggles to gain the upper hand over the other and maintain their personal power 🔥. In any case, the relationships are passionate and warm between these two signs, who can build a great complicity to try new experiences together, as long as mutual respect is always maintained.

📍 Love advice for this pair 📍

The solution lies in a good communication which, fortunately, is possible between these two natives.

In conclusion...

Aquarius is known for its avant-garde side, being the most original in the zodiac, loving new ideas and innovative methods. When working alongside fire signs, the atmosphere is not always conflictual as long as Aquarius makes an effort to leverage the assertive nature of the fire signs. Also, the association between Leo and Aquarius can be constructive if Leo skillfully manages to guide Aquarius and instill the rigor it often lacks. Despite everything, Leo is a career-driven individual who navigates in high management and cares little about the creative ideas of Aquarius. Hence, the fire sign may sometimes treat the air sign's work with a certain disdain.

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Article presented by Susan Taylor

Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - I’ve always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions.

I'd say this is pretty darn close to right! My ex-husband is a leo, (I'm Aquarius). We split because he cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend. So although I'm "less possessive" I still don't put up with THAT!

Lisa E Gray 2 years ago

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